Chapter Twenty Six

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Naruto's Point Of View 

I love you Sasuke, more than anything in this world. I know I've been acting like a dick. I know none of this is your fault. I'm being irrational. I need to be with you, I only feel whole and myself when you are right by my side, so please, please stay with me.

I walked towards Sasuke, but every step I take he disappears a little more. I feel like he's out of my reach, and he finally disappears into the dark and I'm there standing alone.

I awaken in my room, everything the same. Quiet and dark. I've become to feel sad that I wasn't at Sasuke's anymore, that I couldn't tell him how I felt. That was the whole point of going to his place. But instead I passed out. I would assume that Sasuke brought me back home, he didn't even bother try waking me up to talk to him about why I was at his place. I guess he really took my words to heart when I mentioned being done with him, and he respected decision. In reality I was going to ask him to take me back. I hope he would take me back I will do anything to be like we were before the incident.

Sasuke. That's all I can think about and could ever think about. Maybe there's something wrong with me. Maybe I'm sick in the head. Possibly I have so many issues under my skin, and I just learned to accept that I'm not perfect. Which nobody is. Not even Sasuke. Just thinking about Sasuke is bringing heat into my pale cheeks. There could be everything going wrong in the world. But if Sasuke, if Sasuke were next to me, holding me. I wouldn't care. I swear. Even if I knew I was going to die. I'd be okay. There's so many things going on in my head. And maybe Sasuke isn't the one and this is just one of the life lessons we need to become a better person. 

I sit up, with my lower half still covered.

I look around in the room that was once so lively and so familiar but yet it felt so foreign feeling. It wasn't the same. I wasn't. Nothing was the same anymore. I hated that, I hated how because of one person and his actions ruined everything for me. What was even with Itachi Uchiha, I've only seen him a few time in my life. I had no answers for what I was thinking. All I know is that Itachi wanted me dead, and no one knows why.

Who even am I? Am I worth your death Itachi? 

I uncovered myself, hurting. I noticed I wrapped in some sort of bandage. I didn't care. I had so much going through my head. 

Sasuke... Dad... Hurt... Who am I... What now... I didn't want this... I didn't ask for this... I feel so empty.. No self meaning... No one cares...

I walk out of my room, slowly walking downstairs towards my dad's room. You could smell his faded sent. He hasn't slept here in forever. Maybe I was feeling lonely. It's been awhile since I've heard a good morning, a good night, or even I love you. I looked around in his room, his room is pretty simple and tidy. I see something standing on top of his drawer, I carefully picked it up. Examining the photo. It was a picture of me and him. My first year of high school. I looked so different. So innocent. So... Happy.. I was different. That isn't me, the me that I am now is none of those things. I want to be happy again, I never had a care in the world. I've never felt like this before and I don't know how to cope with it. It pisses me off.

I threw the photo across the room. The photo frame making a loud shattering noise.

I can't take it! I really can't...

Tears start to overflow my eyes

Wiping them off with my forearm

I took a deep breath.

What's the point of even living when I'm in so much pain.

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