Chapter Twenty Five

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Sasuke's Point of View

I felt a light shake on my shoulder.

"Sasuke, Sasuke wake up there's a cute blonde headed boy passed out in the hallway. I think I spooked the kid from coming out of a room. He sort of hit his head backing away from me."

I yawn, trying to comprehend what he just said. " Did you just say B-blonde?" I sat straight up.

"Yeah! He's passed out in the hallway", he grabbed my wrist, and led me to the hall."

Looking at the blonde headed kid, surrounded by broken glass.


"Naru-who?" Suigestsu questioned

"It's Naruto, from school"

"Yeah, that doesn't help, you know i'm not good with names" Seg shrugged his shoulders, walking away.

I carefully picked up Naruto, avoiding the broken glass. Only Naruto would find a way to hurt himself. He feels pretty light, I hope he's eating properly.

I sat Naruto on top of the counter. Making sure he couldn't fall. I looked him over, poor Naruto.. I lift up Naruto's arms noticing some shards of glass in them. He must of fell on them when he blacked out. Looks painful.

Opening the cabinet were the first aid kit is located. I took it out setting it next to him.

Sometimes I feel like a personal nurse every single time Naruto gets hurt. I don't mind though, especially now, I haven't seen, smelled, or even touched him for a whole three months. It almost feels like a dream.

I washed my hands, dried them, then turning my attention back to Naruto.

Grabbing the tweezers, I started taking out shards of glass out of Naruto's arms. After that I notice blood seeping through his  orange shirt.

"Shit, I hope it's not that serious" I said underneath my breath.

I took off his shirt, taking more shards of glass out. He might need stitches, the last thing I want him to go to is the hospital. I took out the bloody shard out of his upper left chest, resting both my pointer and middle finger on it, so it can stop the bleeding, hopefully.

Leaving my fingers there, I examine the rest of his exposed body. Nothing, just now scabs. Replacing the place where shards once rested at. Leaving his jeans on, knowing that glass couldn't go through denim plus I didn't see any blood so he should be fine.

I lifted my fingers, examining the wound. The bleeding slowed down for the most part, and starting to heal. I put gauze and medical tape on it. Hopefully it will hold.

"Wow," Suigetsu said behind my back. "Do you ever think about becoming a doctor or nurse or something? I know you've always had a thing about taking care of people around you, even myself"

"Nah.." I probably could do something like that, I have the grades and the patience for people. I look back at Naruto but the only person I really want to help is him.

"You love him don't you?"

I turned my on heel, to face him. Hopefully my facial expression says it all.

He gave me an empathetic look.

It's true that I do love him, I loved him for so long.

Taken Lightly (SasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now