Chapter Two

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The rest of the classes went by pretty fast today. Thanks to whatever God is out there.

The bell rang for lunch and I couldn't wait there's honesty nothing that I love more than food.

I made my way to the cafeteria, it was noisy as usual and of course the freshman girls are all around Sasuke's table. I don't even know what they actually see in him, yes he's conventionally attractive for a high schooler but sheesh.

The lunch table consists of Sasori a senior, Deidara another senior, Suigestu a sophomore, and Karin the bitch. The word bitch was made for her.

I remember sophomore year Sakura and Karin got into it. Karin made a comment about Sai's artwork that was displayed in the library along with a few other students art work that got chose. She made a snide remark about how a toddler who used crayons for the first time could do better and that she could do better. Sakura wasn't having her attitude, she grabbed Karin by her dingy red hair and made her apologize to Dai then and there. Poor Sai looked so nervous he didn't know what to do. Basically long story short both were suspended for a week. Even though Sakura made it physical. But honest Karin deserved it.

Thinking about how awful Karin is, I didn't even notice I was staring right at Sasuke. I blushed slightly. And yet Karin ruins everything again.

I turned away quickly.

Wait... did I just blush?!

I push the thought away.

I grabbed my cup o noodles and poured hot water so it could cook.

I make my way to my lunch table. Sakura and Sai were already seated and I saw Shikamaru and Kiba were there too.

Kiba waves at me to come over there. So I naturally picked up the pace trying not to drop any hot water on me.

I sit right next to Shikamaru. I hear a conversation about Junior Senior Prom. I roll my eyes. I have no one to go to with, like always. The only person who is interested in me was Hinata, and she can never talk to me like a normal person. She always blushing, and stutters when she tries to talk to me. She's a bit weird anyways. Not that weird is necessarily bad, she's also kind of cute. But I'm also afraid that she keeps a lock of my hair with her. She gives me that kind of f vibe. Which I hope I'm wrong.

"Naruto who are you going to prom with?" asked Sakura.

"I don't think I'm going to prom.. I don't have a date"

"You can go out with Hinata! She's crazy for you!" suggested Kiba.

"Just go alone like me" said Shikamaru.

"That sounds like a good idea Shika. Plus I'm not the type to go out. Kiba maybe you should ask Hinata out, I've seen you check her out at least 5 times since I sat here"

Kiba turned red. He didn't even deny checking her out. Heh, I knew it.

"Me and you both" Said Shikamaru with a chuckle.

I started eating my ramen ignoring my friends now. I want school to end. I have a major head ache.

The bell rings for sixth period. I have gym with Guy. I don't mind working out and playing sports. I have plenty of stamina and naturally good at anything when it comes to physical activity. But being around Guy sucks the energy right out of me. I don't even know where he gets his enthusiasm from.

I walked into locker room and made my way to my gym locker.

Sadly I see Sasuke there with nothing on besides his boxer briefs on. I shrugged and decided that was the last straw. I'm going to skip gym class for today.

I walked to the Commons and sat down at a empty table, next thing I know I passed out, and when I woke up it was 2:30 pm

"Yes! " I said loudly 2:40 couldn't come fast enough.

I waited for those slow extra 10 minutes, till the bell rang.

I happened to look to my left and I saw Sasuke staring at me.

Jeez what's up with this Guy.

I get up and walked out of the school doors. I walked home, it felt like forever. Oh well. I dig in my pocket for my keys. I stick my key in the key whole and opened it.

Right when I walk in I noticed how dirty my living my room. With how dirty it was I'm surprised we didn't have roaches.

"Jeez... I live here?"

I sighed.

I'll do it later. I don't know why my day just took a down hill turn. The whole day just exhausted me. I slowly made my way to my room and I fell asleep.

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