Chapter Thirteen

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I yawn and wrap my arms around Sasuke.

He doesn't look like a snorer but the sounds coming from his mouth says he is one. It's sort of cute, It isn't too loud. Its not like it would keep me awake. 

Feels kind of creepy staring at him like this.

But he's just so perfect..

He turns on his side, and faces me without him noticing he's facing me.

I blush, even though I know he isn't looking at me. But still his face is so close to mine.

I look at the clock it's only 4am and I feel completely rested though I get up from the bed, and sit at my computer chair.

It's only Wednesday. This week is going by so slow.. I hate it. But then I don't because Sasuke grew the balls to talk to me. Thanks to what ever god is out there. I also need to go shopping for Prom. Everything is such a Drag,

I laugh to myself. I sound like Shikamaru.

But still, It is a drag, I'm Lazy, all I want to do is cuddle against Sasuke, and do nothing more. I'll be okay with just that. But no, I live in reality, which sucks major balls. I wonder what is going through Sasuke's mind, Why did he finally make a move? I honestly don't know if I trust him or not.. I'm afraid I'll get hurt.. And I know he means well, but he has a reputation with people. Fucking them, then just leaving them, like if it were nothing. I know he has a Bad Boy reputation. Maybe he's not doing the same for me...

I shake my head at the thought, don't want to think about this.

I turn on my computer, and put in my password.

I log in to a chatting website,

Since you know, I'm desperate to actually talk to someone at this point. Not because i don't have any of my friends to talk to, well they're all sleeping.

I scroll through all the people.






Picture of a Car. Transformer?


Eh, Cute.

Anime picture.

Uh, what's that? Two guys kissing? Oh god.

I continue scrolling. I give up at this point and wait, for someone else to start talking to me first.

I yawn and go downstairs, and start to make coffee.

I wait patiently.

"La la la, can you go any slower?"

I'm impatient.


"Fuck you"

I go upstairs back into my room, and sit back at my computer chair, I glance at my screen, Sheesh 8 new messages. I read them, "Bleh" Already lost the interest in talking to anyone. I'm just out of it today. I plant my face on my desk. At this point I don't even feel like going to school later. fuck this, fuck that. fuck everything.

I sigh.

I honestly don't know what to do. I've been so stressed weirdly.

I go back down stairs to see if the coffee is done, luckily it is. I poor some In a mug and drink it.

"Ouch! Fuck! Dammit!" I yelled a little to loudly. Damn who would of thought it would have been scolding hot.

I hear footsteps going down the stairs. Sasuke appeared from around the corner, and quickly came to my side.

"Are you okay?!"

"Yes Sasuke, I'm okay. I just burnt my lip with the coffee."

He kissed my lips softly.

I can feel heat rise in my cheeks.

He brushes his thumb against my cheek softly.

"Naruto? Are you okay?"

"Shit.. its my dad." I shoved Sasuke to the kitchen floor.

"Yes Dad, I'm okay"

He's behind the counter. Sasuke better pray to God that My dad doesn't come around this counter"

I feel Sasuke tugging on my PJ's.

I kicked him.

"What are you doing?" questioned my dad.

"Oh my foot is falling asleep. And I think I might do it again"

I kick Sasuke once more.

"Ow" cried Sasuke.


"Wow! Wowe this coffee is amazing!"

"I'll grab some in a bit, after I freshen up"

"Alrighty dad"

He walks away.

Sasuke rose from the ground.


"What was that?

I shoved Sasuke back to the floor again, as my dad appeared.

"Nothing I was just talking to myself"

"Oh okay" He disappeared again.

I pulled Sasuke up and kiss him.

He lifted ne up and sat me down on the counter. I wrap my arms around his neck. while he sat his hands on my thighs while kissing on my neck.

"S-Sasuke-" I moaned.

I want more. my body wants more. It so badly needed to be touched, kissed, rubbed...

He stopped

I was glad he did. I couldn't handle it. but yet I didn't want him to stop. I wanted him to explore my body and find all my sweet spots...

Later that day.

We arrived at school finally.

We walk in together but not "together."

I follow him to his locker.

I smile because of how flawless he is.

Without noticing he pushes me against his locker.

I looked up at him and looked into his almost black eyes.

I couldn't resist and leaned forward and kissed him.

"You're a fag?"

My heart dropped.


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