Chapter Twenty Three

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I didn't know we had company, I wasn't even informed that anyone else would come besides us, even though my dad said we were all suppose to be here. I naturally dressed myself in some sweats that Sasuke brought me, and a white shirt I found on the floor. I felt somewhat dirty considering what we did last night, it's too late to worry about that now. I stretched before I went back out to the living room.

"Hey there sleepy head" Sasuke greeted with a smile.

I smiled back.

"Hey there sexy" Sakura teased with a wink.

While Sai just nodded at me.

I nodded back at Sai.

Sasuke patted the empty space besides him.

I was still confused why Sakura and Sai were here, maybe it was apart of the big thing Sasuke was planning on doing today. I walked to Sasuke and sat next to him.

I clear my throat. "So I was wondering why you guys were here, not that I didn't miss you guys or anything. I just didn't know we would have visitors."

Sakura looked across the room at Sasuke, Sasuke nodded.

Sakura took a deep breath, and got up, now standing in front of me. She took my hand.

I didn't know what was going on. This was out of the ordinary Sakura was never the quiet type.

Sasuke sat his hand on my shoulder and Sai was at the other.

Something about this setting triggered my fight or flight, which just made me want to cry. I was worried and I didn't know why.

"Naruto..." Sakura softly spoke. "While you were gone, someone broke into your house and Iruka was there, Kakashi walked in to your house to greet Iruka but Iruka wasn't conscious. I'm sorry Naruto, but Iruka is in bad shape right now and not sure if he's going to make it through his emergency surgery" Tears running down her face. I know she was trying to be strong for me and for herself.

Hearing this, it felt like I was nothing anymore. He's the only family I have, without him there's no home...

How could this possibly have happened? There's no way this could have happened. There's just no possible way. I've only been gone for two days. Two fucking days! I automatically got up and walked away grabbing my shoes and keys and getting in the car driving away. Why. Just why. I still don't believe this. This couldn't be happening. I hurried and drove back home from the cabin. Just to see yellow tape and red and blue lights flashing in front of my house.

I got out of my car leaving the engine on, and ran inside of the house, shoving the officers off me. I needed to see the situation it self. Were they trying to rob him, we don't really have anything flashy at home. 

There was a body covered up on the living room floor. 

I stood there, breathless. I know it wasn't my Dad but still who could of possibly hurt him. He's never done anything to get on anybody's bad side.

I felt a hand grab me.

"Stop! Let me go!" I moved away "This is my house! I have the right to know what happened here!" and kneeled down to the body and uncovered their face.

"Sir, I ask you to get up and get out of the hou-,"


I was now crying hysterically. I couldn't control myself anymore. I wanted to know who hurt my father.

Knowing who did this, I didn't bother covering their face back up they did deserve that type of respect. At this point I was disgusted. 

I walked out of my house, seeing that Sai, Sakura, and Sasuke were there.

All I could think about is seeing my dad.

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