Chapter Ten

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"Well it's Sunday, really nothing to do put prepare for Monday" I laugh to myself because it rhymed. 

I get up, and go to the bathroom, wash my face and brush my blond hair. I honestly dislike my blond hair, I wish I  would have been a brunette or maybe red hair, because I don't even like blonds. I barely like myself sometimes.

I put music and some sweats on.

A day to remember, You should have killed me when you had the chance came on.

I guess this will be a great, well semi great time to clean my room since i have nothing else to do.. well not really because I'm so lazy. Maybe this is how Shikamaru feels.

"Ugh today is such a drag." I sighed.

Actually that felt so right.

I start to sing along to the song.

"The writings on the wall, you've read that I'll be gone. But if you call my name, Just know that I'll come running. For one more night to spare with you, this is where I'm meant to be, Please don't leave me"

I really never noticed how dirty my room is, guess I was too busy to realize so and underneath my bed is even worse! I know why that is too, because I end up shoving everything down there telling myself that I'll eventually get to it. Once again I'm surprised we don't have roaches.

I sorted everything out that was on top of my bed, and putting them in my closet, drawers and trash.

Now for the bed...


I'll do anything, and I mean anything, to be less lazy.. So I could clean underneath my bed.

Why wasn't I born with normal non-lazy genes?

I frowned, and pushed my bed away from the wall.

"Holy shit... Why..?" I can't believe I let it get this bad.

I stuffed everything in the trash bag, because that's just how lazy I am. I don't even care what goes in the garbage.

No fucks were given.

I push my bed back to where it was originally.

"Dad where's that one thing that sucks up all the crumb thingies off the floor at!?" I yelled into the hallway.

"It's in the hallway closet Naruto! And its called a Vacuum! "

"Kay, thanks", I replied. How do you even spell vaccuum, sound like it has two u's or two c's in it.

I walk out of my room, and open the hallway closet door. I take the vacuum to my bedroom and plug it in and I started to clean.

I hum the lyrics to the current song.

"They say that love is forever, your forever is all that i need. Please stay as long as you need. I cant promise that things wont be broken, but i swear i will never leave, please stay forever with me."

I really do love this song, but I guess my job here is done, but I i feel so accomplished. I laugh to myself.

"Naruto, Lunch is done"

I shove the vacuum back into the closet and ran down the hallway and down the stairs, and sat at the table.

"What's for lunch pops?" I started doing a lil dance on the seat. I was starving.

"BLTS" He replied.

"Not what I was expecting" 

"Well you if you want something else, cook it yourself Jesus Christ Naruto."

Taken Lightly (SasuNaru)Where stories live. Discover now