Part Two Chapter Two

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At the same time I believe and cannot believe that you are pregnant Sakura, does Sai know?"

"What do you mean does Sai know, I just barely found out myself stupid head"

"My bad, you don't have to get all verbally abusive with me" I play whine. At least she didn't hit me, younger Sakura would've punched me so hard I would feel it for days.

"I don't know what to do Naruto" she sounded like she wanted to cry.

"Well there's one of two things you can do. But the first thing you have to do is to tell Sai. Then after that, you guys can decide to keep the lil demon spawn or kick it to the curb or even exterminate it. Up to you honestly." I personally think kids are brats, they always want to pick fights with me.

"Naruto! That's horrible"

"What, it's not. I promise. I won't judge. I'll support you 110% of the way"

"I'm not getting rid of baby or aborting them"

"If you don't want to sleep for weeks straight, could have just said so. And also my condolences"

"It'll be okay" She said confidently

"I don't want you calling me at 3am because your spawn won't stop crying and won't go to bed"

The hotel door opened. Sai stepped in.

Sakura hurried and shoved the pregnancy box and test into a bag so Sai wouldn't notice.

"I got everything situated" Sai smiled "So no need to worry Sakura, just worry about getting better"

"Thanks Sai, I don't know what I'll do without you"

You sure as hell wouldn't be pregnant I thought to myself.

"So you going to tell him" I whispered into Sakura's ear

"Not now" she mouthed

"Is there something the matter" Sai questioned

"Nah man" I got up and put my arm around his shoulder. "Yanno, Naruto has got everything under control. Your lovely fiancée will be okay" Partially, besides the fact she has a whole ass human growing inside of her as we speak.

"Please don't talk about yourself in the third person Naruto, it's off putting. Like you're going insane"

"Naruto thinks that you're bullying him, and he doesn't appreciate it" I frown.

"Well Sai thinks you're a weirdo" he playfully shoves me off of him

"You hate me Sai, you really do"

"You guys done flirting yet" Sakura looked at me and Sai with a judgmental look.

"It's going to take a lot of convincing for me to even think about Naruto as a partner. First he just spoke in the third person, 2nd I don't even remember when I last saw the dude eat a proper meal. Third, I'm not gay but even if I was the first two reasons are enough reasons to not date him"

"Ouch, my feelings. They're broken" I put my hand over my heart acting as if I were truly heart broken.

"Uh huh" Sakura sassed. "It's already 7 in the morning and we have a lot to get done"

"You should lie down and rest for a couple of hours since you weren't feeling well this morning" Sai suggested

"You really should Sakura '' I agreed. I walked to the unoccupied bed, clearing it of her dress and suits, setting them on a chair, and fluffing the pillows up for her. "Look! It's looks soo comfy"

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