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chapter 1

~the new girl~

The start of the new academic year always brought with itself its own set of excitement. The first couple of weeks passed in a whirl of getting to know new classmates, choosing new seats, and exploring the hard-cover textbooks. This time, however, there was an added element of excitement due to the arrival of a new transfer student some weeks after the semester began. 

It was unusual for a student to transfer schools after the start of the academic year at Saebom High and coupled with the girl's ethereal looks, her arrival had all tongues wagging. Gossip buzzed around the school campus, with some students comparing the new transferee to a goddess while others were already making plans to ask the angel-like being out.

Song Yoon-ah alighted from her chauffeured limousine and walked toward the school gates with her midnight black backpack swinging behind her. Her eyes scanned the crowds to look for her best friends but halted on a mass of people gathered near the entrance.

Yoon-ah didn't understand why so many students would be gathered together so early in the morning. Swept with curiosity, she waded through the mass of people to reach the entrance. As she scanned the crowd, her eyes followed the gazes of the students. Everyone was gawking at an unfamiliar girl, who seemed confused and uncomfortable with the attention she was receiving. 

The girl groaned internally. Here we go again. If transferred schools were not stressful enough on their own, the unnecessary attention from the students was definitely going to make matters worse for the poor girl. 

For a moment, Yoon-ah stood there impatiently, with her feet tapping the ground, as she waited for some kind soul to come and provide assistance to the frightened girl. Seeing as nobody was eager to do so, Yoon-ah decided to approach the girl herself. 

Putting on the most cheerful smile she could muster that early in the morning, Yoon-ah approached the shy transferee.

"I'm Song Yoon-Ah. Nice to meet you," she said, her posture tense. 

"I'm Lim Jukyung." The girl smiled and introduced herself, fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. Even so, she relaxed visibly when someone approached her instead of staring her down from a distance.

"You have a pretty name," Yoon-ah complimented, hoping to make the new girl more comfortable. 

Having never introduced herself to a stranger before, Yoon-ah felt uncomfortable. Brushing the feeling away, she turned to Jukyung and offered to show her the way to the staffroom. 

"I cannot ask that of you." Jukyung said, reluctantly, "You must have class." 

"I don't want you to be late." Jukyung protested, not wanting to get the girl in trouble on her first day at the new school. 

Yoon-ah smiled and waved her hand dismissively.  

"The first period hasn't started yet, so don't worry. Besides, my homeroom is on the way. " She said reassuringly and motioned for Jukyung to follow her to the staffroom. 

While initially tense, Jukyung found Yoon-ah's face clear of any malicious intentions, and nodded happily in acceptance of the girl's offer.

As they walked together in the school courtyard, Jukyung took a moment to study the girl's features. The girl's face was indeed striking. She noted the way the sunlight bounced off her chocolate brown hair and illuminated her beautiful brown eyes. Jukyung was mesmerized by the girl's stunning beauty, and couldn't help but feel jealousy gnawing at the pit of her stomach.

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