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chapter 22

Twisting in bed as the morning alarm rang, Yoon-ah's eyelids fluttered open slowly to see sunlight filtering through the open curtains of her bedroom. The night's sleep had been anything but easy. She could barely sleep for two hours amidst the tossing and turning and the overthinking that plagued her all night. 


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The brunette groaned as she slipped out of bed, her gaze traveling to her reflection in the wall mirror. Cocoa brown strands of hair fell across her face, sleep ruffled and messy. Her eyes were red and puffy, her lack of sleep starting to become apparent in them. The overall effect made her face look paler than usual. 

A soft sigh escaped Yoon-ah's lips. She wearily reached for the small refrigerator in her room in search of some ice to soothe her puffy eyes. She pulled the ice bag out of the freezer and slid back into bed, her body yearning for a few extra minutes of rest.

A glance at her phone confirmed that she had been expecting all along. Last night, she had attempted to contact Seojun many times, but all to no avail. The first few calls had been ignored by the boy and then his phone had been turned off. After five calls or so, she had stopped bothering him, unable to handle his impossibly inflated ego. Seojun had not even responded to any of her messages as of this morning. 

It wasn't as though she hadn't rebuffed Seojun's tries to reach out to her when she had been upset  in the past

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It wasn't as though she hadn't rebuffed Seojun's tries to reach out to her when she had been upset in the past. He had every right to do the same to her until he no longer felt troubled. And yet, Yoon-ah couldn't quite comprehend why it stung her so badly at that moment.

The morning rush and the drive to school seemed to pass by in a blur. The next thing Yoon-ah knew, she stood at the entrance to Saebom High, watching her black car slide away into the shadows. It was early, and so the brunette did not expect any of her friends to be at school yet. 

After a moment of contemplation, she decided to idle around in the field until they arrived. It would give her a chance to shake off some sleep before classes began. A welcome respite from the whispered conversations that followed her in the hallways all the time. 

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