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chapter 27


"The sun shines on me, and I glow with swag!" 

Yoon-ah made a face as she passed Tae-hoon and Hyun-kyu outside the classroom. In what they believed was hip-hop style, the boys were dressed in baggy clothes, screaming out the lines of some song that made the brunette cringe in horror. 

"This should be illegal," the girl complained under her breath, hugging her arms close to herself. "It feels like an intended assault on my ears."

"Tell me about it," Soojin said mutely. It seemed that Jukyung wanted to agree, but she was too polite to do so in front of Tae-hoon's girlfriend. 

Yet another verse left the girls with a horrible ringing in their ears. 

The brunette let out a woeful sigh, before turning towards her friend with a serious expression on her face. "Sua, is your boyfriend okay?" she asked. "Are you sure he isn't- under the influence or something?"

Sua's eyes widened as she lightly hit Yoon-ah on the arm. "Watch what you're saying!" she scolded. "My Hoon-ie would never!"

"No, really. What is your boyfriend up to?" Soojin asked. "Is he going to skip lunch again?"

"Ahhh," the petite girl responded with an understanding nod. "He's busy practicing for the school talent show. There are tons of applicants, so only five teams will be selected."


"Yeah, my Hoon-ie is sure he's going to make the cut," Sua proudly declared, before her smile faltered a little. "I'm not so sure. He's going to be devastated by the end of this."

Yoon-ah glanced over at Soojin. "He's definitely high," she muttered under her breath, making the brunette nod solemnly in response. 

Yoon-ah let out a weary sigh, stuffing her hands in her blazer pockets and walking ahead.

Jukyung, however, with her arms crossed and a forlorn look on her face, caught her eyes. 

The brunette inclined her head in the girl's direction, asking, "Jukyung-ah, is everything alright?"

"That's right," Soojin said. "You look so down. Did something happen?" 

"Oh? Oh no," Jukyung coughed, shaking her head in denial. At that moment, it seemed like all she could muster was a weak smile. "Nothing happened. I'm all right."

"I think she's just hungry," Sua supplemented, with her usual upbeat demeanor. 

Yoon-ah hummed in understanding. Just as she was about to let go of the matter, however, Jukyung's phone buzzed yet again. The girl pulled it out of her skirt pocket, her eyes widening to the size of golf balls as she studied the content of the message.

"Wait!" she exclaimed. "I have to go somewhere."


"Imju! What about lunch!?" 

Her friends' immediate protests fell deaf on the girl's ears, who was already sprinting back through the corridor, shoving aside the people in her way. Yoon-ah watched on in confusion, her unwilling mind racing back to that morning's events when she thought she had seen Suho and Jukyung together on the soccer field-

Her thoughts were interrupted by Soojin's sharp voice. "She has been acting weird," the girl said. 

"She is, isn't she?" Yoon-ah exhaled, tilting her head to the side, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

"I have a feeling-" Soojin broke off, drawing in a sharp breath. "Come on."

The raven-haired girl grabbed Yoon-ah's sleeve and tugged her along as she strode down the corridor in the direction Jukyung had disappeared. 

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