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chapter 35

~far from over~

Seojun inhaled sharply as he noticed the way Yoon-ah was looking at him with a dazed look on her face. It was as though she couldn't quite believe she wasn't in a dream. And in all honesty, neither could he. There was something ever so enticing about her eyes and lips under the fluorescent lights of the arena, it almost felt like a vivid fever dream. And oh, those lips. They looked so irresistible, so excruciatingly tempting. With just the tiniest movement, Seojun knew he could place his own exactly where he wanted them to be.

The boy felt his cellphone vibrate violently in his pocket all of a sudden, startling him out of his stupor. He practically had to force himself to look away from Yoon-ah, his stomach churning with the realization that he had been staring at her for far too long to be considered normal.

Under the flashing neon lights of the arena, Han Seojun cleared his throat again, digging into his pockets to pull out his phone. While doing so, he could only curse the universe internally. 

The timing really could not have been worse. 

And Yoon-ah was not making it any better.  

"Did you really sneak your phone inside?" the brunette quipped innocently.  

Seemingly unaware of the storm of emotions swirling in the boy's heart, Yoon-ah scuttled even closer to him, squinting at the gleaming gadget in his hand. 

He felt unusually aware of her presence just a short distance from himself. The boy trembled as he looked back into her warm doe eyes, another strange sensation passing through his body. Inexplicably, a dull ache arose in his chest, leaving him feeling dizzy and weakened.

Astonished by the way his body was reacting, Seojun found himself edging away from Yoon-ah, even though it felt as though every single cell in his being craved quite the opposite. As he glanced at the torrent of incoming messages, he shot her displeased self, what he hoped, seemed like an off-handed apology.

But apparently, his eventful day was far from over. 

Chorong and the others had sent him endless messages, explaining to him that they had fallen in trouble with the teachers over a confrontation with Lee Suho; being ordered to clean the basketball court after school.

Seojun's eyes darkened.

It had to be Suho, of course, who stayed behind the scenes only to cause trouble for his friends.


Yoon-ah's voice brought the boy back to his senses once again, alleviating the sudden stab of rage that had gripped him without him even realizing it. 

"Is everything alright?" she asked again. "You seem upset."

Letting out an uneven breath, Seojun unclenched his fingers, realizing he had closed them into fists while going through the numerous messages.

"Yes..." he breathed, running his fingers through his hair. "I'm fine, yeah."

"Are you sure?"

Seojun turned to look at the girl, ignoring how her breath tickled his neck as she glanced over his shoulder, a flash of concern playing across her eyes along with the glistening reflections of neon lights all around them. Seojun paused.

A sudden sense of longing seemed to wash over him, a strange sense of yearning that made him wish he could hold on to the current moment forever. 

"Chorong and the others have gotten in trouble," he murmured after a minute. His voice was soft, almost hesitant to break the silence between them. 

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