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chapter 18


One could not easily tell what Song Yoon-ah was thinking by the way she walked down the hallways of Saebom High. Her face, save perhaps for the haughty set of her eyes, was devoid of any expression. It was clear that she wasn't in the mood for fooling around and meant business.

However, if only someone had bothered to look closer, they would have seen Yoon-ah's hurried steps in the direction where her friends had run off. Although Yoon-ah did not know what exactly transpired, watching Jukyung run off with cake frost on her face disturbed her. If there was anything she knew about the students in this school, Yoon-ah was almost positive that they would be gawking at Jukyung, making her feel worst than she already must be feeling.

When they had first met, Yoon-ah had vowed to herself that she would try her best to ease Jukyung's life at Saebom -- to be the friend she would have wanted for herself in her early days at the school. Yoon-ah intended to stay true to her word, and with that thought, the brunette's steps hurried just a tad bit quicker.

Rounding the corner, Yoon-ah grimaced as she saw exactly what she had expected. There was a huge group gathered at the end of the hallway, surrounding a frost-covered Jukyung, who looked on the verge of a breakdown. Yoon-ah's eyes shone with pity when she saw the girl trapped at the center of the crowd. 

The instant Yoon-ah turned around, she happened to run into a group of girls. She frowned, about to apologize, until her gaze fell upon the cell phones in the girls' hands. 

The girls had hardly looked her way, too busy filming the drama on their phones. Upon hearing their high-pitched laughter and apathetic gossip directed towards her friend, fury flooded through Yoon-ah's veins. The brunette's eyes hardened and she cleared her throat rather loudly, drawing their attention towards her. 

"Oh, look!" Yoon-ah exclaimed, pointing at their phones as though she was showing them something of great importance. The girls craned their necks to look that way, but couldn't see anything. They stared at her with questioning looks.

"That...our phone?" one of the girls shook her head, confused.

"Why?" Yoon-ah challenged, angling herself to shield Jukyung from the cameras pointed in her direction. "Don't you see it?"

"What are you talking about?" another girl exclaimed agitatedly, annoyed they had been cut off from the drama that was going on. "We don't see anything."

Yoon-ah spared the girl a brief glance, scoffing. The girl clearly didn't hold Yoon-ah in the same regard as her other awestruck companions; she recollected even hearing her complain previously that Yoon-ah was not attractive enough to be crowned a goddess.

Although Yoon-ah couldn't have cared less about it at that time, some part of her suspected that the girl's sour attitude had stemmed from spite after Seojun had inadvertently approached Yoon-a to converse with her shortly after rejecting this girl's confession a few weeks ago. 

Seojun had meant to talk about his mother's recuperation after her surgery, but Yoon-ah wasn't sure if the envious girl knew about that. Strong feelings hardly ever leave room for reason, she thought, her lips curling up in distaste. 

"I found your noses." With a dangerous sparkle in her eyes, Yoon-ah shot the girls a smile that was anything but genuine. "They were in somebody else's business- again,"

"Get lost," she spat, her tone laced with venom. 

The girls cowered under Yoon-ah's hard gaze, mumbling complaints under their breath before scurrying away. The brunette shook her head in disbelief, staring down at the girls till they finally disappeared around the corner. 

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