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chapter 42

It took just a few moments for the soft fluorescent light of the beauty parlor to be replaced by the cold night air. Yoon-ah instantly regretted returning the jacket. The weather wasn't the worst. In fact, it had stopped raining, which was lucky for her. However, she knew her muscles would regret the sudden temperature shift, come tomorrow morning.

Stepping aside, Yoon-ah felt the cement crunch under her feet. Somewhere nearby, there was a bench, but she couldn't be bothered to walk to it. She sighed shakily, watching her breath swirl in the air for a brief moment. It was then that she held the device to her ear, even if it was just to silence its persistent ringing.

Yoon-ah knew who it was. As much as she wished she didn't.

"You picked up."

The voice on the other side came in a breathless whisper, as though the caller hadn't quite believed that she had answered the call. Yoon-ah felt her stomach twist just hearing his voice.

"After so long, you finally-"

"You," the brunette interrupted irately. "I cannot believe you had the audacity to call me."

Her voice didn't quiver. That was a good start. His call shouldn't affect her anyway.

It couldn't.

Not after what he did. 

"Listen, sweetheart--"

Yoon-ah felt nauseous. "Don't call me that," she hissed. "You have no right to."

The voice on the other end quieted. "Alright," he said after a while, sounding more condensed than before. "As you say-" He paused for a moment. "Song Yoon-ah." 

Yoon-ah's jaw clenched. The bastard spoke the words slowly, jeering her from the other end of the phone line. Mocking her from behind the safety of the screen.

Then, he sighed. "Look, just listen to me. Let me explain myself once."

It was only natural that he should bring up the situation. That explained why he called her first, not her sister and not anyone else. Yet, his stupid words did nothing but irritate Yoon-ah further. It hurt her. And her pain, in essence, did nothing but remind her of her past, and of the life she thought she had left behind.

Hot, angry tears burned her eyes. Yoon-ah wanted to scream at him. To yell at him and tell him how much he hurt her. That he was the reason her family had fallen apart. She had lost everything. Even her--

Yoon-ah broke the trail of thought before it could get any further. She was not going to allow her mind to wander. The brunette took another deep, shaky breath; something that had become quite the prerequisite of the evening. Then, she blinked at the sky. Once. Twice. And another time. Enough to counteract the growing feeling of weakness in her throat. She did not speak until she was sure she had a hold of herself.

"I don't have to listen to anything you have to say," she said calmly into the phone. Ice laced her voice. A weapon, she had seen, was much more powerful than any angry outburst she could muster in the middle of a dark alley anyway. Even more so when the person across the line was anxiously awaiting her reply. She paused, considering her words for a moment. "Say, is this your number?"

There was a pause. "Yes, love."

Yoon-ah flinched.

"The only one?"

"That's right."

She nodded to herself- it didn't matter if he saw her or not. "Good," she uttered finally. "Because I'm going to block it now."

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