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chapter 5

~a good night's sleep~

Song Yoon-ah woke up to sunlight streaming onto her face, making her feel warm and cozy. Her eyelids fluttered open to see the window ajar. Sweet high notes of the birds carried to her ears, making her smile. Although her eyes were still bleary, Yoon-ah felt well-rested. She actually found the birdsong pleasant today, instead of the usual cacophony it felt like. 

Yoon-ah had not slept well in a long time. While her mind adjusted to the day's reality, she allowed her eyes a moment's rest. The girl pulled the blanket closer to her chest and gave it a soft squeeze. 

The quilt, however, did not seem familiar. In shock, Yoon-ah sat up, finally taking in her surroundings. Finally realizing what had happened, her eyes widened. 

Being so exhausted, Yoon-ah had fallen asleep on the couch in the midst of watching the movie. Her television set was still running, albeit on power-saving mode, but her ramen bowl was nowhere to be found. Getting up from the couch, the brunette slipped her feet into her cozy house slippers and walked towards the kitchen. 
Yoon-ah found a note on the kitchen counter. She was not surprised, knowing that it was placed there by her housekeeper, Mrs. Kim. When she wasn't around Yoon-ah herself, the kind lady would leave her reminders to eat and take care of herself. Yoon-ah read the piece of paper, her eyes widening in horror as she scanned the content.

The note innocently stated:

Good morning Yoon-ah dear,

When I came in this morning, I did not expect to see you sleeping so soundly after all this time. I am elated for finally having God hear my prayers. My child, you looked so relaxed and at peace. You haven't been this way since that night, though I've always hoped this day would return again. No, I did not have the heart to wake you up. 

Mr. Choi has been instructed to check in with you later in the day and bring you lunch. Take the day off from school, and rest well dear. It is essential for your well-being.

I prepared a healthy breakfast sandwich in the refrigerator for you to eat when you wake up. 

There is still plenty of ramen in your pantry, but what about fruit and vegetables? Please pay heed to my advice, child. Eating ramen every day is not good for your health. 

Sleep well

Mrs. Kim

"Aish," Yoon-ah huffed frustratedly, running her hand through her hair. Mrs. Kim was a sweetheart, but sometimes she went to extremes to ensure Yoon-ah's well-being. The girl had to submit an important assignment today, and she could not afford to miss school. Besides, it was a Friday. The weekend was only a day away. She could rest plenty during that time. 

Not that Yoon-ah was particularly eager for the weekend either. The teenager practically lived alone in the massive house, spending most of her time studying or shopping. Sometimes, she would accept Sua's offer to hang out, and sometimes the girl would spend her weekend at the hospital. 

Of course, her original purpose of going there was mostly defeated. All the same, her inability to see whom she wanted had stopped bothering her long ago. Most of the staff already knew her, and many patients saw her as a regular, chatting with her for hours, with nothing better to do themselves. 

Yoon-ah dropped the note on the table and dashed to her room. A glance at the clock told her she still had half an hour before school started. She heaved a heavy sigh of relief, just about to call out for Mr. Choi to have the car ready. She halted in her steps, however, realizing Mrs. Kim had sent him home. 

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