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chapter 11

~the first encounter~

almost half an hour ago.....

After his music class, Han Seojun was found himself in front of the cafeteria before he knew it. He carefully sneaked into the pantry through the back door so as to avoid being seen by the kitchen staff.

Seojun knew well enough to know that Yoon-ah consumed cold coffee with her lunch every day, so he made his beeline towards the cold storage.

However, upon rummaging through the shelves, he discovered all of the coffee to be long gone. Gritting his teeth, Seojun reached for the other refrigerator, revealing an array of fruit juices and smoothies. What am I even doing here? he mumbled to himself.

Almost as if in reply, he heard a gruff voice echoing from behind him.

"Yah! Han Seojun?!" the voice called, breaking the careful silence in the pantry.

Startled, Seojun sprang away from the kitchen counter as the bottle slipped from his hand and landed on his foot. Groaning in pain, he reeled back to see Kim Chorong hidden behind the fridge, holding an open packet of chips.

"Yah!" Seojun exhaled a sigh of relief when he realized that it was only him. "Don't ever do this again! You scared me half to death! I thought the staff had caught me."

The boy grinned at him and waved, offering the packet of chips which Seojun declined with a huff.

The cheeky grin from Chorong was followed by the furrowing of his eyebrows as he spotted the juice bottle in Seojun's hands.

"Why are you sneaking into the pantry like this?" Chorong asked, having a puzzled look on his face. "Didn't you eat your lunch quickly and run away? You said you had something to take care of..."

"I- uhhh, ahem" Seojun coughed to mask the sudden flaring of his face. "....I was hungry."

Though nodding, Chorong continued eyeing Seojun nonetheless. For several seconds, Seojun stared back at him and blinked, but then again, he knew better than to pay attention to Chorong and his musings.

Seojun awkwardly turned his gaze back to the fridge. After considering the options, Seojun narrowed it down to a strawberry shake or grapefruit smoothie, as both seemed to be filling enough to last Yoon-ah several hours. He rummaging through it absentmindedly, taking a mental note never to repeat this behavior for anyone else ever again.

Despite thinking he "couldn't have cared less", somewhere deep inside, Seojun knew he felt responsible for holding Yoon-ah back during lunch.

Seojun was still deep in thought and staring blankly at Chorong when he realized Yoon-ah had never given a definite answer to his question about Suho. The boy frowned, shaking his head to dismiss the thought. Yoon-ah couldn't possibly like a douchebag such as Suho....right?

"Oi, strawberry or grapefruit?" Seojun piqued up suddenly.

"Strawberry. Why?"

"Hm..." Seojun hummed before bending down to look in the mini-fridge again.

"Stange, I thought you didn't like milkshakes," Chorong remarked, making Seojun flinch as he pulled out the strawberry milkshake from the fridge.

"They ran out of coffee," he grumbled, reverting his gaze from the suspicious boy.

"But -" Chrong started, but then shut his mouth when Seojun shot him a withering look.

"You don't like coffee either," Chorong muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Seojun to hear.

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