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chapter 23


With a weary sigh escaping her lips, Song Yoon-ah set off on her way to class. Although she thought she heard her name being uttered by one of Seojun's friends, she could care less. Yoon-ah had been worried sick, thinking that something had happened to Seojun; but watching the idiot jesting with his friends, and threatening Jukyung no less, made something snap within her. 

The girl hadn't even considered what she would say to him when she ran into the boy again. Perhaps she had expected that seeing him alright would make her feel relieved, but in her worry, she had forgotten just how mad she was at him. 

On top of that, the mere sight of him cornering Jukyung to threaten her was enough to trigger her fury. Despite this, there was a part of Yoon-ah that was rational enough to restrain her anger. Despite being friends, Yoon-ah realized that he was entitled to be his own person; he didn't owe her anything.

"Yoon-ah-ya!" The sound of an unfamiliar voice calling out for her caused the brunette to snap out of her trance. 

Her brows rose in mild surprise to see one of her classmates emerge from the restroom, followed by a girl Yoon-ah didn't know. Their faces were filled with both intimidation and excitement as they approached her. 

Although she was sure she knew the girl who called out to her, since she sat just in front of her in class, her friend seemed to be from a different section.
Yoon-ah cursed herself on the inside, her memory eluding her of their names. The two were well acquainted with Sua, but she had never spoken to them before herself. Then again, Sua appeared to know almost everyone. 

"Oh, hey," She offered them an awkward smile in greeting. "What's up?" 

"Soojin is in there," the short-haired girl said in a meek voice, gesturing at the closed doors of the restroom behind her. "I think you'd better go check on her"

"Is everything okay?" Yoon-ah said, her hair rising up in alarm. 

"Well, it doesn't seem so-"

"Yes, yes-Soojin is alright," the other girl added quickly, noting Yoon-ah's eyes widen at her friend's words. "But-" she hesitated. "It's best if you check in on her."

Yoon-ah was already at the door before the girl completed her sentence. Flashing a grateful glance over her shoulder, the brunette pushed open the double doors. The lone figure in the restroom was Soojin, apparently lost in her own world. 

'KangSu?' Yoon-ah called, the affectionate nickname she had for her friend slipping from her lips. 

Yet, the gesture failed to elicit any response from Soojin, who did not even glance up to acknowledge Yoon-ah's presence. In fact, it appeared she didn't seem to hear her at all. She continued scrubbing her hands aggressively, taking more hand soap as she did so. 


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