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chapter 29


TW- There are mentions of bullying in this chapter. Please read with caution<3

Yoon-ah shivered from the cold, feeling tiny drops of water splash against her bare arms. Leaving the house without a coat had been a foolish decision, but she had been too rushed to care much about it. While goosebumps rose on her arms, the brunette hastened her footsteps towards the nearby department store.

"How are you? Did you have a good day?"

Yoon-ah smiled upon hearing the sound of her father's voice wafting over the phone line. The fact that he had made time to call her despite his hectic schedule was a welcome surprise, though it did little to knock off his nagging.

"Did you eat well today?" He asked hurriedly. "Do you need me to ask Mr. Choi to bring anything over for you? Are you at the hospital right now?"

There was a brief pause. "It would probably be best if I let you respond."

Yoon-ah laughed. As awkward as it was to speak to her father over the phone after a long time, she could not deny the sense of elation it left in its wake. It only meant he was making an effort to reach out to her, no matter how insignificant the gesture may have seemed to others. 

Despite the fact that things weren't ideal before her mother's demise, even worse afterward, it gave her a sense of comfort she could get used to relying on more often. 

"Aniyo appa," the brunette answered into her mobile phone. "I'm just about to go grab something from the department store, then I'll head to the hospital to meet Eunnie."

A distracted hum sounded from the other end of the line, followed by low murmuring. The brunette smiled. It was apparent his secretary had come in. She couldn't deny she held a soft spot for the handsome male that worked for her father - he was like an older brother to her in a way. 

Taking the opportunity to pull open the store's front doors, Yoon-ah let the phone drop from her ear. The girl was immediately enveloped in warmth as soon as she set foot inside the department store, a welcome respite from the bitter cold outside. She took a moment to enjoy the pleasant feeling before making her way down the drinks aisle.

"How was your day, Appa?" she asked, placing her phone to her ear after swiping her sister's favorite drink into the shopping bag. "I hope it wasn't too hectic."

As those words escaped her lips, Yoon-ah could feel the weight of an intense gaze pressing against her back. She turned around sharply, only to see a dark feminine figure ducking into a side aisle next to hers. Frowning, she began walking in that direction.

However, her father spoke up on the other end again, drawing the girl's attention back to her cellphone. 

"Things weren't as busy as usual today," he exclaimed cheerfully. "The week was quite hectic- with the store openings in America and such, but everything is going well."

Yoon-ah grimaced; it was obvious he was exhausted and he was trying his best to keep the weariness from showing in his voice. A distant thunderclap started the brunette out of her thoughts. She recoiled slightly as a gust of wind blew in through the open door, choosing to let go of the stranger and continue her way to the hospital before the rain made it impossible to navigate the streets.  

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