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chapter 6

~han seojun~

As the final bell of the day rang through the halls of Saebom High, Jukyung made her way towards Yoon-ah at the back of the classroom. Sitting in the chair in front of her, she turned back to face her. 

"Are you okay?" she asked, sounding uncertain. Yoon-ah raised her eyes to meet hers and flashed a thumbs up.  

"Yeah," she replied. "I'm just tired."

Jukyung felt a sense of relief wash over her. It turns out that Sua was right after all. It was a simple matter of getting a good night's sleep. Somewhere deep within her, she felt like she was somehow responsible for Yoon-ah's somber mood today. She wasn't sure what went wrong, but she sure wanted to make it right. Despite knowing her for a mere few days, Yoon-ah had only been nice to her and it was now time for Jukyung to return that courtesy.  

Unknown to the brunette, Jukyung had been avoiding Suho since morning. She hadn't even noticed Jukyung's discomfort when the two of them ran into the handsome boy in the morning. She had only frowned at his unnecessary arrogance, her mind elsewhere.

And yet, there was only one thing on Jukyung's mind. She had to strengthen her defenses after being almost caught by Suho the previous day which is why she now needed to go to the store to buy makeup. 

"Will you come with me to the store right now?" Jukyung asked. Her companion raised her brows in confusion. "I need to buy some makeup."

Yoon-ah stayed silent, weighing her options. She hadn't been to the hospital for a couple of days and wasn't planning on going anytime soon. Just like everybody else, Yoon-ah had tried makeup at some point in the past but failed miserably. Lacking both the time and the patience to hone her skill, she had abandoned any attempts in the beauty sector. 

With her naturally radiant skin, she never needed makeup anyway. There was at least one aspect where she could thank her inherited genes. And her expensive skincare products made up for the rest. 

The brunette looked up and nodded slowly. After Jukyung finished purchasing her makeup, they could also go shopping.

Shopping had always been her therapy. Yoon-ah found herself to be happier when she treated herself to new clothes and, in so doing, it distracted her from the mess in her life. It had been a long time since Yoon-ah had last been to the stores, and the choice between returning to an empty house or going shopping was easy. 

 "Let's go," she said, smiling up at her friend.

With a bounce in her step, Jukyung clasped her hands together excitedly and walked out of the classroom. Yoon-ah chuckled and followed the girl outside.

Their arms linked, the two friends set out on their way to the stores.

Yoon-ah, however, was caught off-guard when she was ushered into a convenience store by an enthusiastic Jukyung. This was not what she had in mind. By wanting to go shopping, she did not mean she wanted to go to the convenience store. People went there to buy groceries or- well, daily convenience items. But not clothes. 

It'd been quite a while since Yoon-ah had been on a shopping trip with her friends. The last time was with Soojin and one of her friends from her old school. With their wallets allowing, the girls were able to shop at some high-end stores. They did so to the fullest, buying new coats, gloves, boots, bags, and whatnot. 

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