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chapter 7


(A/N- there is a slight implication of  loss and de*th in this chapter, feel free to skip it if you feel uncomfortable)

Within minutes of reaching the main roads, Yoon-ah hailed a cab for a ride to the hospital. Eventually, the taxi arrived at its destination. A frantic Yoon-ah tossed the money from her wallet on the backseat, not bothering to even look at the amount she threw away. She ran into the hospital compound with as much speed as her aching legs could muster. Her heart pounding harder with each step, Yoon-ah ran through the familiar hallways to her destination.

"Miss Song?" one of the workers looked at her in confusion as she zoomed past the nurse's office. Paying no heed, Yoon-ah continued her desperate attempt to reach the emergency area. 

The hospital workers paused and looked up as Yoon-ah skidded to a halt near the reception. 

"Where is she?" Yoon-ah yelled at the receptionist, with tears streaming down her face. The lady regarded the young girl through her spectacles, shocked at her sudden appearance. 

"Yoon-ah dear?" she asked. "What are you doing here?" 

"My sister," Yoon-ah spoke back in a hoarse voice, clutching at her hair in a frail attempt to slow down her speeding heartbeat. "Where is she?" 

It was a shock to the lady working at reception when Yoon-ah suddenly arrived and demanded to see her sister urgently. The look of panic and sheer terror outlined in Yoon-ah's face gave the woman chills. The woman left her seat and put a hand on the Yoon-ah's shoulder. She was trailed by a meek-looking woman in her early twenties. 

Yoon-ah, on the other hand, shrugged the woman's hands away from her shoulders.

"I asked where my sister is!" a teary Yoon-ah yelled at the woman. 

Displeased at her tone, the receptionist pursed her lips but seeing as Yoon-ah was no ordinary arrival at the hospital, she bit back a snarky remark. The older woman took a deep breath and looked Yoon-ah in the eye with a soft smile. 

"Hyun-jae-ssi is fine. She had been moved to the general ward a few days ago," she said. "But what are you doing here? Did she call you?"

Yoon-ah stared at the lady with bleary eyes, the confusion on her face was apparent. 

"B-but I got a call from the hospital....." she trailed off, her eyes searching the lavish reception hall. The lady sighed in irritation and gestured towards the young woman behind her. The young woman seemed new and unsure of herself. A quick glance told Yoon-ah that this was perhaps the woman's first job after completing her education. 

"That is Park Chorong," the receptionist continued, disgust written all over her face. "Our new recruit."

"She must have failed to do the simple task of updating the records," the lady muttered under her breath, but loud enough for the new recruit to hear. 

The young woman flinched and edged forward to face Yoon-ah, apologizing profusely for her mistake. Yoon-ah nodded her head in a daze. Her hand shaking, Yoon-ah felt as if all strength had seeped away from her body. While the receptionist was busy berating the young recruit, Yoon-ah collapsed on a nearby chair with a heavy sigh. 

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