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chapter 17


The next few periods were followed by Yoon-ah's favorite time of the school day. Lunch. Sua was sulky because Tae-hoon, usually with the girls for lunch, did not show up to walk with them. As a matter of fact, the boy was going to skip lunch altogether, claiming that he had homework to do.

"It is the third week of school, and he already has homework pending?" Yoon-ah asked, dumbfounded when Sua explained his excuse. It was hard to imagine what people do at home, idly sitting around. Yoon-ah was nothing if not unenthusiastic about school work, and the only reason she had exceptional marks came from not having anything else to do. "Do you folks leave each other alone anywhere?" she asked.

"What are you talking about?" Sua sulked. "Tae-hoon didn't even have the time to text me yesterday. He fell asleep early." 

"Yikes. Oh well. I suppose that's life, isn't it? Courage!" Yoon-ah quipped, comforting Sua with a gentle pat. "It happens. I'll get you some ice cream."

Jukyung stared at the girl open-mouthed. "Co-what? There is no way," she exclaimed. "How do you speak French too?"

Yoon-ah directed a theatric bow at the girl. Then, she fished out her canteen card from her bag before walking into the service area. She thought that her entry and exit would be quick. It was only a matter of getting a few snacks. Some boys from the other class, however, thought it was a good time to horde the snacks machine. They were making quite a racket, bickering among themselves like that. 

"Yah! You- KIM CHORONG! You are telling us you purchased a chips packet with the money we collected to eat out today?!"

"I was starving!"

"You ate the entire thing! We were all supposed to have a treat today...what now?!"

"Now, maybe you could buy five packets instead of two and make room for others, shoo-" Yoon-ah interrupted, motioning to the boys to move out of the way. She squeezed past them the best she could, then swiped her own card on the vending machine. She'd rather spend a little money than waste her time. Not even a second later, Yoon-ah had in front of her a crowd of overjoyed teenage boys holding chip packets, scrambling over one another to thank her. Almost as if she were a goddess who had descended from the heavens. 

Despite herself, an awkward smile spread across her face. "I swear to God, guys, my friend is going to lose it any second now. Get moving!" Yoon-ah scolded. At the same time the boys scattered out of her way, she punched in the code of chocolate bars. 

"Get me an ice cream bar too, please! Hurry!" Yoon-ah fired off an order at the boy that was being told off mere moments ago. She handed him her card. Chorong- was it? She had seen the boy hanging out with Seojun quite a few times before. Were they friends? 

Yoon-ah shook her head. More pressing matters were at stake. The chubby boy took the card from her hands and went straight to the serving counter, while the girl bent down to pry the chocolate out of the vending machine.

"Here!" he shouted excitedly, jumping up to her and giving her the cup of iced concoction.

"Thanks a lot! You're an angel!" Yoon-ah beamed. She took the ice cream from the boy and sprinted towards her lunch table before further words could be exchanged.  

"Thank you Yoonie. I definitely feel better now," Sua gushed, clutching Yoon-ah's hand as they made their way down the stairs. The brunette nodded, sending her a small smile. 

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