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chapter 2

Yoon-ah's daydreaming was short-lived, for a sudden commotion drew her eyes to the other end of the long corridor. Those in the foreground were making way for a certain tall, handsome boy. His calm demeanor stood in stark contrast to the chaos surrounding him as he walked down Saebom High's long hallways.

The boy, with his signature cold and condescending attitude radiating off him, was none other than the school's cold heartthrob, Lee Suho.

It was his mysterious personality, coupled with his ethereal beauty and marvelous grades which made him one of the student's favorites. 

That meant that he was also the object of affection for more than half of the school's girls and the source of the jealousy for the boys, even though no person at school could really claim to have had a meaningful conversation with him ever.

Even his classmates could say nothing more about him than speculate about his lack of communication with others and contemplate his cold behavior in their free time.

To Yoon-ah, however, Lee Suho was merely the classmate she had shared first place with, ever since she first walked the halls of Saebom High. Without knowing it, the boy pushed her to do her best. Yoon-ah understood that if she slacked, he'd be the sole owner of the first position in the class, and her fiercely competitive nature could not take such a blow to her ego. 

Besides, with no one to talk to at home, Yoon-ah spent much of her time behind her studies, which explained her brilliant academic achievements and astoundingly high grades.

The brunette watched in amusement as the divine boy brushed past a girl, who became so alarmed with her close proximity to the Lee Suho that she tripped over her own feet, falling backward and crashing into her group of friends. 

Yoon-ah bit back a laugh at the chaotic scene and shook her head at the girls' childish behavior. There was no doubt the boy was handsome, and devilishly so. Yoon-ah had even heard whispers speculating that he was an idol trainee or an actor. But they glorified him as though he were a demi-god, Yoon-ah mused, a fond smile forming on her face as a childhood memory crept up in her mind. A vivid memory of the fun day played back in the girl's mind, and she allowed herself to relish in the nostalgia in brought along with itself. 

As Lee Suho neared the staffroom, his eyes fell on the figure of Song Yoon-ah leaning against the doorframe with unfocused, sparkling eyes and a slight upturn of her lips. 

"What's so funny?" 

The words rolled out of his mouth before he could stop himself, his eyes widening a little as the tone sounded much harsher than he intended it to. He considered sending a soft smile in an effort to downplay it, but then quickly decided against it. 

Yoon-ah's head snapped up at the sound of his voice, and her brown eyes widened and locked with his own hazel ones.

Color rushed to her cheeks, and she shook her head, embarrassed. She realized she must have been looking like a fool, standing at the door with a silly smile on her face for no apparent reason. The hint of amusement in his eyes went unnoticed by the flustered girl. However, her eyes seemed to harden tenfold when her mind finally registered the tone of voice the boy used to address her. 

A slight scowl crossed Yoon-ah's face. She never imagined the boy would even spare her a glance and expected him to feign ignorance of the people around him like he usually did. "Your face," she muttered under her breath.

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