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chapter 25


It was another morning, meaning yet another agonizing day ahead of Yoon-ah as she trudged up the road to school. Light wind whipped her chocolate brown hair behind her as she stood facing the school gates.

Mr. Choi still seemed to be upset about yesterday's events and had insisted upon taking the car to the wash to calm his irking. If Yoon-ah were to be honest, she didn't mind it at all. One would be surprised to know how many students milled about her car early in the morning, creating a ruckus that drove her crazy every single time. The fact that some people could talk so loudly at seven in the morning actually surprised her. She wondered what superfood they ate for breakfast that provided them with so much energy.

Like most people in the world, Yoon-ah had stopped enjoying school by the time she was ten. One could hardly blame her. But, unlike most kids, she didn't have anyone to watch over her. On days like today, when she did not feel like attending class, she could easily opt to take the day off without any consequences.

In any case, the prospect of staying in a huge house by herself terrified her more so than attending boring lectures, which she would most likely sleep through most of. Having cleared things up with Seojun, Yoon-ah did feel a little bit better about going to school. Even so, the memory of Soojin's unsettling behavior yesterday still lingered in her mind, and it left her feeling uneasy.

To say that Yoon-ah cherished Soojin with all her heart would seem like an understatement. The girl was one of her first friends at Saebom High- one of the first to penetrate the icy layer of protective armor she had erected around herself. In all her years at the school, her connection to Soojin had always been stronger than to Sua, perhaps due to their similar personalities.

Yoon-ah knew that there was something off with Soojin from the past few days and she was curious to find out what - she just had to get a hold of the girl alone. If it turned out that there was no problem at all, it would at least ease the nagging feeling in her heart that she felt whenever she thought of the raven-haired girl.

Within seconds of the brunette entering the school complex through the iron gates, loud music began playing on the speakers, accompanied by cacophonic singing from some students. It was almost as if the universe sensed her reluctance to go to school that day. Yoon-ah grimaced inwardly, wincing at the voices that were piercing through her ears early in the morning.

At the onset of the pre-chorus, her hardened expression relaxed. The cacophonic singing of the group of singers had died away, leaving only one voice to be heard by the crowd. It was clear to Yoon-ah that the melody of the song was upbeat and sweet, and the lead singer was certainly gifted. His voice was deep and husky; soothing the tension in her muscles. The soft hum of the guitar only seemed like an added bonus.

As the girl approached, the people in front of her parted to make way for her

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As the girl approached, the people in front of her parted to make way for her. In spite of the fact that it was an unusual occurrence, the girl had gone through it before and so, she paid little mind to it.

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