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chapter 12

~iced coffee~

present time~

"Oh, look!" Soojin exclaimed, snapping the idling group member from his daydreams. "The others are here."

Sure enough, they soon were joined by Tae-hoon as well, who took his seat next to Sua. Seojun glanced upwards to see a perpetually annoyed Suho enter the classroom, trailed by the new, but timid girl.

Seojun couldn't bear to look at Suho at all and refused to acknowledge his arrival, slumping back in his seat with an irritated huff. The little stunt the boy had pulled in the kitchen pantry had taken up a lot of his energy, and he decided Lee Suho was the last person he wanted to spend his precious energy on at that moment. Seojun's dark eyes instead focused on the slouching figure of Lim Jukyung who had taken a seat next to him. The girl's head was lowered, as though she were sleeping.

"Why does she seem so familiar?" Seojun murmured to himself, bending down to take a good look at the girl beyond the voluminous mass of hair that covered her face.

However, the dark-haired boy was roused out of his musings upon hearing a soft thud on the table in front of him.

Seojun turned to see a very stunned Yoon-ah staring at Lee Suho in disbelief. His curious gaze fell on the latter's hands to see the very man he loathed hold out a small bottle of iced coffee out for his friend. Seojun's eyes set ablaze with a fury, which was unlike anything he had experienced before.


Yoon-ah finally felt alive again after taking a few sips of the strawberry milkshake. Although she was not fond of strawberry-flavored stuff, she knew Seojun had no way of knowing that, she was still grateful he had taken the trouble to buy her the drink.

Well, technically speaking, Seojun was the root cause of the problem and he ought to have done something about it anyways. Still, Yoon-ah flashed him a grateful smile which he reciprocated with a proud grin, before turning away and laying her head on the table again.

The soft thud of another bottle being placed on the table made Yoon-ah draw in a sharp breath. The brunette looked up, astonished, to find a little bottle of cold coffee lying on the desk. Within moments, Yoon-ah noticed the atmosphere grow tense. Everyone stopped talking, their attention fixated on her next actions.

After staring at the iced coffee for a moment, Yoon-ah's gaze flitted to the person who put it there. Her brown eyes widened when they focused on Lee Suho's brooding face. He pointedly kept his face turned away, doing so as nonchalantly as possible while pressing the bottle into her hands.

"What are you doing?" the girl questioned blankly, quite aware of Seojun's angry glare trained on them.

What was happening at that moment genuinely escaped her. It would normally seem as though Lee Suho lacked the bare minimum decency to converse with other people, let alone bother about them. Then, why on earth would he-

She tilted her head in confusion, looking at Suho with questioning eyes. The said boy looked down, finally focusing his attention on her. "I got this for you," he said flatly.

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