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chapter 43

"Wait, take this." 

Yoon-ah glanced back over her shoulder. Seojun had to jog a few paces to catch up to her.  Then, he pressed a balled mass of black leather into her hands. His fingers, calloused as they were, brushed against hers as tender as the first leaves of spring. "You look cold," the boy said softly. An underlying sense of worry overshadowed the usual brightness in his feline eyes.

Yoon-ah shook her head. "I'm not."

"You're shivering, angel," Seojun said without missing a beat, almost as though he had expected her response. Wrapping his arms around her, he placed the jacket gingerly on her shoulders. His fingers were feathery against Yoon-ah's body, and she held her breath the entire time.  "Better?"

"Much. Thank you." She exhaled the moment he stepped away from her. The leather jacket caught faint rays of light, reflecting them into waves of iridescent glint. Somewhere within her, Yoon-ah was glad to have it back. Wearing the jacket held an odd sense of comfort- something she couldn't quite describe in words. 

"You lost your chance. I won't let you have it back," she said, with a teasing smile on her lips. 

Seojun did not take the bait. His eyes were fixed on the floor again, hands buried in his pockets- an obvious sign his thoughts were troubled. She could tell from his expression that his brain had switched to a different mode, shifting from empathy to emotional indifference in a matter of minutes. "It's late," the boy said, his voice so low that Yoon-ah barely heard him.

"I know." 

He finally looked up at her, brows scrunched in a slight frown. "Are you sure you want to see him at this time?" he asked. Just a touch of concern and sadness permeated his voice. He had never explicitly directed his animosity towards her, but she believed it was triggered when he perceived danger, so, if anything, this was a tough extension of his softer self. "You can't be sure what the bastard wants." 

Yoon-ah shrugged. "I wouldn't know," she said. "I haven't had a chance to talk to him since your fight."

His thoughts were revealed by a sigh, signaling the turn from reaction to reflection, to pondering over his next words. The sigh that escaped Seojun's dry lips was slow, as if his brain needed that time to process her words. 

"Lee Suho. He wasn't- isn't the person troubling you, is he?" he asked tentatively. 

"No." Yoon-ah shook her head. "No, it wasn't Suho."

Seojun nodded slowly. His eyes remained fixed on the road, on the exact path Yoon-ah was set to go down. "That's great." 

He sounded relieved. 

In his own twisted way, Yoon-ah realized that, even though Seojun pretended to hate him, he knew Suho well, and even now, he didn't wish the worst on him. It made her happy. Maybe there was hope their friendship could be rekindled after all. 

"So you're just going to talk it out?" 

Yoon-ah considered her words for a moment. "I believe so." 

Seojun nodded again, his expression becoming more set with each passing moment. "Do you want me to come with you?" he asked all of a sudden. Hope was but a faint glimmer in his eyes. He knew, just as well as she did, that she wouldn't allow another fight between the boys on her accord. Whether it was because he was distrustful of Suho or simply concerned for her as a friend, Seojun was willing to overlook his own contempt for the other boy and accompany her anyway. 

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