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chapter 34

~ready, set, tag~

"Yah, Song Yoon-ah!" Seojun shouted in annoyance for what seemed like the third time in the past five minutes.

With her phaser in hand, the brunette let out a laugh as the boy dashed hot on her heels. Seojun's vest was flashing white, meaning he had been shot multiple times and could not operate his phaser at all. Yoon-ah sped past the other players, racing across the laser tagging arena faster than she could have imagined herself capable of. The moment she made it around the corner, she ducked into an obscure nook and out of the boy's view. She hoped she could remain hidden just until her next opportunity to shoot him at close range.

Just as she had thought, Seojun could no longer find her.

"Where are you?" the boy called. "Come on out here, you twit!"

Yoon-ah snuck a glance past the low divider hiding her from the boy's eyes. Though Seojun's yells were tinged with a hint of annoyance, there was a bright smile on his face, as his eyes flitted around in search of her. A wave of relief swept through her veins at the sight of his smiling figure. It seemed as though the adrenaline from the game was actually helping lift his spirits. Yoon-ah couldn't help but smile to herself. Seojun finally appeared to be himself again.

The way the teacher reacted to their fight was embarrassing, especially when he chose to bring his mother into the conversation. It had only served to infuriate Yoon-ah, who had seen firsthand how his mother's illness had affected the dark-haired boy. She could only imagine how Seojun must have felt upon hearing those words. 

Either way, the boy was entitled to some time for himself. And so, she had dragged him to the first place she could think of. Seojun had even followed her out without a word of protest. Yoon-ah was a little surprised at the lack of resistance from him- but at the same time, she was glad he hadn't pushed. She wasn't sure how to explain herself without revealing too much and potentially souring his mood even further.

However, Seojun looked so detached and lost in his thoughts once they had taken a seat at the cafe. With one glance at his stormy eyes, she could tell his condition was becoming worse as the seconds passed by. In an attempt to divert the boy's thoughts, she had blurted out the first thing that came to mind. It was a stroke of good luck that the laser tag arena was nearby.

Yoon-ah had intended to leave the boy alone with his thoughts. After all, he had to get himself together before he could leave for school the next morning. While the staff's behavior had not been ideal, Seojun could not keep missing classes. It would only serve to infuriate the staff and worry his mother. As if that wasn't enough, Seojun's disregard for school could easily hamper his chances of graduating. It was better to miss a single day of school with him than to have him miss the entirety of next week, doing who-knows-what and getting in trouble. 

That's what Yoon-ah told herself at least. 

There was a part of her that remained skeptical despite her reasoning. However, she wasn't quite sure how to express her feelings, to put words to her thoughts. So, Song Yoon-ah did what she does best. 

Distract herself. 

The college students crowding up to spend time over there made it somewhat challenging to score tickets. It was Seojun who insisted on standing in line. He had said she didn't have to since she bought the noodles for him, but she realized it was to keep her out of the rowdy crowd. As she gazed back at Seojun, standing there with his sparkling eyes, she realized that it had been well worth the effort.

As soon as the boy's vest stopped flashing white, the brunette took advantage of the opportunity and shot him again. 

"Yah!" Seojun hollered, bolting after the girl who had long since abandoned her hiding spot. "I'm going to get you this time!" 

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