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chapter 31


TW: This chapter contains mentions of loss and suicide. Please read with caution<3

Mood soured after encountering Lee Juheon in the hospital, the boy speedily made his way to his bike, fury boiling within his veins. Even after all he and his firm had done, Seojun was disgusted to see how fiercely devoted the man's supporters were. Lee Juheon was not deserving of any love or support. He deserved to suffer, even more so after what he did to Seyeon. 

With his mind clouded and thoughts troubled, Seojun sought refuge on his usual escapade route: the outskirts of Seoul. 

However, he happened to run into Lee Suho on the way. An incident that only served to stoke the flame of hatred raging within his heart. The other boy was speeding in the direction of the park, soaked to the skin. Seojun brought his bike to a slow stop, his curious feline eyes following Suho's frantic steps. 

"Lim Jukyung...?"

"Lim Jukyung...?"

It was evident that the other boy had not spotted him at all. And if he had, he hadn't bothered to react. Yet it didn't take Seojun much to discern that it was Lee Suho speaking. He could recognize the jerk's voice even in his sleep. 

On the other hand, the name that fell out of the boy's lips was somewhat unexpected. Seojun gripped his helmet a little tighter. 

What did that douche have to do with the transfer student?

Seojun was usually content with ignoring the boy. For every moment he spent looking at Suho, he could only think about how he had taken their friend's life, and it ate him on the inside. As much as Seojun tried desperately to tear himself away from the scene, a sense of burning curiosity seemed to overpower his rational mind. 

A few things started to make sense as his dark eyes followed the boy running to the bench occupied by a dark figure. Although he couldn't tell much from where he was standing, the relief on Suho's face made it evident he had found the person he was looking for. 

"I thought you left--"

Deep and rumbling, Suho's voice reached Seojun's ears easily. A couple of words were mumbled by Jukyung in return, but he couldn't make much of them. His hands balled up into fists by his side, however, as the pieces fit together. The sight of Suho looking so distressed for the girl enraged Seojun in a way that he wasn't quite able to explain. 

At that moment, Seojun's cell phone set ablaze with a sudden call. As fate would have its way, it was Yoon-ah who was calling him at the late hour. The boy's jaw clenched, his dark eyes traveling between the seated figure of Lee Suho and his vibrating handset. A picture of the brunette laughing appeared on the call display; he had taken it on the day he had gone to her house. The sight did little to quell the boy's brewing anger.

It was clear what Suho's intentions were: the boy was stringing Yoon-ah along while he had his sights set on another girl. Although Seojun knew him to be a total jerk, playing the brunette with her best friend was just over the top. It was low... even for Suho. 

Inhaling deeply, Seojun typed out a brief message, knowing that he could not answer her call without seeming disturbed.

Seojun stood rooted at the same spot, his mind racing. Yoon-ah was strong, he knew she could handle herself well, better than anyone in fact. That girl could get back at Suho in a variety of ways if she desired. Despite this, he could not bear to watch the girl suffer. 

It was evident the brunette did not consider him anything more than a friend. Even so, Seojun knew in his heart that he couldn't stand listening to her speak of a boy she liked. Someone who wasn't--

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