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Chapter 4

Yoon-ah skipped back to the bus stop on a high note.

"You seem so ecstatic," Jukyung commented with a smile. 

The brunette shook her head in surprise. The girl was rather observant. "What do you mean? I'm fine," she lied, a soft giggle escaping her lips nonetheless. 

Sure, her words were enough to fool the new transfer, but not Sua. The two had been friends from the moment Yoon-ah walked into the halls of Saebom for the very first time, even before she met Kang Soojin. The petite girl could detect the sudden change in her demeanor from miles away. 

"Yah! Did I just hear you giggle?" she exclaimed as she got up from the metal bench and walked closer to Yoon-ah. She jokingly shook her by the shoulders. "Are you okay? Who did you just talk to?"

Not receiving a reply from Yoon-ah, Sua's dark eyes widened. 

"Yah! Are you dating somebody?" she gushed. "Was it your boyfriend? Yoon-ah-ya! Oh my god, you didn't even tell me!!"

Yoon-ah rolled her eyes. Choi Sua- always jumping to conclusions. 

"Oh, hush. It was nobody that special" she replied, shaking her head dismissively. "I'm just happy because I had fun today."

Sua scanned Yoon-ah's face sternly, disbelief etched on every inch of her face. It was obvious she didn't believe her. Yoon-ah responded by sticking out her tongue at her friend. As she listened to Jukyung laugh at the playful banter they were having, a smile broke out on her face. She took a seat on the bench next to her new friend, swinging her legs like a child. 

"Jukyung-ah," Yoon-ah said, wrapping her arms around the girl. "I really enjoyed myself today. I hope you enjoy Saebom High as well."

"Me too," Jukyung said, sighing happily. In the past, no matter how hard she tried, she could never get the one thing she truly wanted. Friends. 

Jukyung finally felt that she had them now, and she could not have been happier to have switched schools. 

It wasn't long before the bus pulled up at the stop with a screeching sound and the girls squinted their eyes against the blinding headlights.

"That's us," Yoon-ah said, tugging Jukyung along as they boarded the bus. 

While scanning her card, the brunette turned back to say goodbye to Sua, but saw that the girl was already on her phone; probably looking through the photos they took together. Yoon-ah laughed, rolling her eyes at her Stargram-obsessed friend. 

As she walked to a vacant seat at the back of the bus, Yoon-ah tucked her brown hair behind her ear. Plugging in her earphones, she gave Jukyung a soft apology for listening to music instead of talking. Junkyung, however, did not seem bothered since she resorted to using her phone as well. 

Whilst her favorite songs played in the background, Yoon-ah felt a fuzzy feeling on her insides. She leaned on the windowsill and a soft smile spread across her face. She felt good. The kind of good one feels as the euphoria of making someone's day courses through their veins. 

"Yoon-ah-ya!" Jukyung spoke up after a while, making Yoon-ah glance away from the window. "What song are you listening to?"

"Oh," she exclaimed, somewhat surprised by the sudden question. "Jung Se-Yeon's 'How do You Do'"

"Oh...Jung Se-Yeon?" Jukyung piqued up. "Isn't that the singer that d*ed last year?"

Yoon-ah felt bile rise up in her throat at those words all of a sudden. Jukyung doesn't know. That's not her fault. She hummed back a moment later, drumming her fingers on the window sill to keep her thoughts in check. "Yeah, I heard he used to go to Saebom High before."

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