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chapter 19

~meet up~

While Yoon-ah was idling in the school garden, a rather curious sight caught her eyes. The brunette had been waiting for Sua and Soojin to join her outside after lunch since Jukyung had said she wouldn't be joining them anyways. In that sense, it was only proper for Yoon-ah to feel a little surprised when she saw Jukyung sitting on a bench with a boy and feeding him something very sweetly. 

The brunette considered it for a moment, finally deciding it was one of the guys Sua had set Jukyung up with, much as she had been nagging Yoon-ah and Soojin to do the same since who-knew-how-long. Not that the brunette approved of Sua's choices, but pushing Jukyung to do the same was hardly fair. 

Yoon-ah decided to check things out for herself. However, as she approached the duo, she recognized a familiar young boy. 

"Oh?" she sounded surprised. "Lim Juyoung?"

As soon as his gaze fell on the pretty brunette, Juyoung's expression changed from gloomy to one of comical excitement.

"Noona!" he cried, jumping up from the bench with an excited exclamation. "It must be destiny that we meet again, don't you think?"

Yoon-ah chuckled, ruffling the boy's hair. "What kind of nonsense are you on about? We go to the same school!"

"In a school with hundreds of students, I stumbled into you during lunch. What do you think that means?"

"That you are my friend's brother--?" 

"Do you both know each other?" Jukyung asked, her eyes darting between the two in utter confusion.

Totally ignoring Jukyung, Juyoung continued talking to Yoon-ah. "Noona, I think I just fell in love with you. You're so prettyHow are you even real?"

The brunette took Jukyung's arm, glancing sideways at Juyoung as she spoke. "We've met...once," she replied. "Jukyung-ah, let's go."

"You're already going?" Juyoung cried, his lips dropping into a pout.

"It's almost time for class, Juyoung-ah. We need to go," Yoon-ah apologized, smiling sadly at the crestfallen boy. "Don't worry. I'll definitely treat you next time I see you."

"Ahh really?" Juyoung jumped up in excitement, cheering. "You are the best!"

The young boy's sudden enthusiasm made the girl laugh. Lim Juyoung was really beginning to grow on her. Looking over at Jukyung, the brunette saw her staring blankly into the distance with a deep-set frown on her face.

"Are you okay, Jukyung-ah?

Although she nodded her head, Jukyung's face was still worrisome. As the two girls walked to class, Yoon-ah heard Juyoung call out from behind.

"Be careful, noona" he called out, looking at Jukyung with a wicked grin on his face. "Revenge is a dish best served cold."

Seeing Jukyung's face turn bone white, her widening with horror upon hearing the younger boy's statement, Yoon-ah frowned. "What's that all about?"

 "What's that all about?"

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