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chapter 9

~changing seats~

"Which one of our lovely students is ready to give up their seats?....Yoon-ah? Perhaps Tae-hoon?" Mr. Han called out. 

The said girl glanced up from her sketchbook to look at her teacher. She had spaced out and didn't know what their homeroom teacher was talking about. Her mildly irritated eyes wandered over to see Seojun standing next to his former desk, tormenting a confused Jukyung.

"Hmm?" she turned back to the teacher, prompting him to continue. 

"Would our beautiful and talented Yoon-ah mind giving up her seat?" Mr. Han asked with a small smile. 

"Me?" Yoon-ah asked, pointing at herself with confusion. 

Yoon-ah wasn't interested in giving up her seat at all. The desk was at the far end of the class, away from all the conversation, so she was able to zone in and out as she pleased. In her immediate surroundings, people rarely spoke to her, perhaps in fear that she might have an outburst if disturbed, or perhaps because they felt intimidated by the brunette. 

She was a bit annoyed when she learned about the assumption that the other students held of her. In spite of the fact that Yoon-ah never expressed this kind of behavior while at Saebom High, they were under the impression that she could take down anyone if she so chose. Perhaps because that was true in part. Nonetheless, she knew that she had exhibited much more friendliness towards others and the school as a whole, compared to her old self, and felt it deserved a little acknowledgment. 

No matter, so as long as they were not bothering her. 

"No...." she trailed off. 

"Terrific!" Mr. Han exclaimed as he gestured for Seojun to take Yoon-ah's seat. 

Yoon-ah's eyes widened. In her wording, she meant No, she did not want to give up her seat. Yoon-ah slapped herself mentally as she realized what her 'no' meant in the context of Mr. Han's question.

Yoon-ah opened her mouth to protest but stopped short when Seojun strode up to her seat with an amused expression on his face.

"I'd like to sit at my seat please" he spoke slowly, tilting his head to the side.

Yoon-ah got up, throwing him a bitter glare. His lips split into an idle smirk and Seojun shrugged. Her frustration was only heightened by the sudden air of triumph that hung over him.  

"Thank you Yoon-ah," Mr. Han smiled. "It would be convenient if Hyun-kyu were to take Tae-hoon's seat, Tae-hoon to sit here on the first bench, and Yoon-ah to take the seat next to Lee Suho."

"Next to Suho?" both Seojun and Yoon-ah echoed at once. Mr. Han's face was somewhat contorted with confusion. He gave them a light shrug. "That's what I said."

"Can't she sit somewhere else?" Seojun asked, scowling at Suho.

"Tae-hoon and Yoon-ah can switch seats," Mr. Han suggested. "Yoon-ah, sit in the front seat here, please."

The brunette gritted her teeth. She sure as hell wouldn't be sitting on the first seat. 

"No, thank you," she said, sending a warning look to Tae-hoon, who was already getting up from his seat, excited about the prospect of sitting next to Suho and ditching the dreaded first seat. "The spot next to Lee Suho sounds good." 

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