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chapter 38

TW: This chapter includes a character experiencing some intrusive thoughts. Please take care and read through with caution. Make sure your mental health is a priority. Ily<3


A shrill cry from her best friend greeted Yoon-ah when she stepped out of her chauffeured car. The instant her heeled boots hit the cobblestone floors, Sua came running towards her- followed closely by Kang Soojin. 

"Hey you," Yoon-ah said softly, forcing a faint smile on her lips.

Sua gave her a quick hug before taking her by the hand. 

"Yeah!" the petite girl called, a frown firmly set on her face. "Where have you been? We were so worried about you!" 

"Not 'we'. Speak for yourself," Soojin added, eyeing Sua as she greeted Yoon-ah with a gentle squeeze on her arm. "You were the only one worrying unnecessarily."

Yoon-ah watched on in detached amusement as Sua stuck her tongue out at her friend, then turned to face her with a stern expression, brows twitching. 

"Of course I was worried!" she exclaimed. "Yoonie, you just disappeared without telling us anything. I was worried you'd get in trouble because of those two- albeit handsome- chicken turtles."

Quite unlike herself, Yoon-ah did not feel the need to comment on how the boys Sua had just called chicken turtles, were idolized by half the school, even Sua herself to a certain degree. 

Soojin did, however, point it out. "Did you just-" the girl paused mid-sentence, raising her index finger. She looked bewildered. "Did you just call Suho and Han Seojun chicken...turtles?"

Sua spared her raven-haired friend a glance. "Yeah. What about it? 

Soojin's eyes only grew wider. "No way. Kidney turtles are an actual thing?" 

Yoon-ah wasn't interested in their bickering at all. A soft frown took over her features as she tucked her hair behind her ears. "I thought I texted you to not worry," she cut in before Sua had a chance to begin speaking. "Why then?" 

Sua's full attention was quickly redirected back to the brunette. She tugged at the girl's arm. "How could I not worry when you disappeared in the middle of the school day like that?!"

"Yoonie can handle herself," Soojin interrupted gruffly. "She is not a child."

A troubled look crossed Sua's face yet again. "Yes, but--"

"Hey," The brunette interrupted, placing her hands on Sua's shoulders. "There's nothing to worry about. I'm here. I'm fine. Okay?"

Her insides twisted as she spoke those words. 

Lie after lie seemed like a routine activity for the brunette, and it was becoming more disturbing to her with each passing day. She felt as though she lied every time she spoke. That she lied to every person she ever met. To her friends, her sister, and her father. 

Even to herself.

In fact, it was that one innocent line that was her most common lie. That everything was fine. That "she was alright."

What else could she do? It was necessary for her to put up a strong front. She had to be the one supporting herself. For if she didn't, who would? 

"You promise?" 

"Yeah. Yeah, I promise." 

With Sua finally satisfied with her answer, Yoon-ah cracked a smile that she hoped was convincing enough not to cause alarm. 

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