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chapter 15

"After you"

With a weak scowl, Suho looked down at the girl and then glided into the sitting room. Although it was dimly lit, the furniture was top-of-the-line and appeared to be very expensive. The boy slumped into a grey sofa near the entrance, closing his eyes and trying to catch his breath.

 The boy slumped into a grey sofa near the entrance, closing his eyes and trying to catch his breath

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All felt silent for some time. After a few minutes, Suho cracked one eye open to find Yoon-ah sitting on the coffee table in front of him, staring at him intently with big brown eyes.

"You should eat something," she said nonchalantly, as though being caught staring at him was perfectly acceptable behavior. Suho watched as she reached beside her and opened two containers, offering one to him. 

"This is some kimbap. It's still rather fresh, so it should taste good if we have it now," she said with a small smile. 

The boy took the container together with the chopsticks from the brunette's hands. Playing more with the food than actually eating it, Suho found himself force-feeding himself anyways, for the sake of his physical health. He didn't talk the entire time, and neither did the girl sitting across from him. Somewhere within him, Suho was impressed with her for respecting his boundaries, as well as for not prying.

Once he regained his strength after consuming the filling meal, Suho finally looked up to see the brunette cleaning up the mess on the table. Shortly afterward, she pulled out her phone and began texting someone.

He wondered who she was texting at that hour. Somehow, the first thought that occurred to him was that it was Seojun. There were no heads or tails to his assumption, perhaps just instinct.

"Are you texting Han Seojun?" Suho found himself asking. He averted his eyes the moment he realized he had spoken the words out loud. 

Yoon-ah lift her brows in surprise. "No, why would I be texting him this late?"

"I don't know. You seem close."

"Ah, do we now?" Yoon-ah asked absentmindedly, being unable to recall even a single moment in school when they hung out enough for someone to brand them as friends. Her gaze turned towards Suho, who was looking away from her, and shrugged, dismissing it as a guess on his part. 

"I was texting my sister. She's a little mad the kimbap never reached her."

"You bought the kimbap for her?"

"I didn't exactly plan on bumping into you on the way-" Yoon-ah cut herself off before Suho could say anything more. "It was no one's fault. Even if I had gone to her, it would have been too late and I would have had to sneak in and what not-"

"I'm sorry," Suho grated, looking away. "For bothering you."

"Nonsense," he heard the girl say. He looked up at her, a mixture of guilt and surprise flashing across his face, only to see a warm smile sweep across Yoon-ah's face as she said, "It's not your fault."

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