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chapter 33


If someone had told Seojun he would be spending the day alone with Song Yoon-ah- skipping school no less- he probably wouldn't have believed it and told them to get their heads checked. 

Either that, or he would have voluntarily thrown himself in front of an oncoming bus.  

Somehow, the second option was becoming increasingly attractive to him as he sat across from the pretty brunette in the cafe booth. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take his eyes off her. 

With the sun shining on her dark brown locks, they radiated an almost auburn glow. There was a shimmering effect to them, almost as though the girl wore a halo on her head. It was hard for Seojun to imagine how he had overlooked flecks of gold adorning her eyes in the past. They were as visible as the day, forming a sunset of their own as they reflected the sunlight. 

However, the fact that he was noticing all of this now frightened him, mostly because he didn't know what to make of his observations. Why hadn't he noted all this before? 

Why now? 

"Hello!? Earth to Seojun," Yoon-ah repeated, waving her hands in front of his eyes. 

The boy blinked, his face twisting in displeasure upon being roused from his musings. It didn't matter if it was Yoon-ah herself who was talking to him. His thoughts were an utter mess and he needed a moment to sort through them. "What do you want?" he asked. 

"That's what I've been asking, jeez," Yoon-ah sighed, gesturing towards the counter impatiently "What do you want to order?" 

"Whatever you'll have."

"You sure?"

Seojun hummed, drumming his fingers on the table distractedly. Yoon-ah shook her head in disbelief, finally stepping up to place the order. The boy, on the other hand, could not summon the will to address her strange look, so he ignored it. 

However, her return took hardly any time at all. Yoon-ah was sliding back into the booth opposite him before Seojun could even determine what it was that he wanted to think about. 

"What did you order?"

"Now you ask?" 

Seojun quirked his brows, making the girl chuckle softly. "Two iced coffees and one cup of instant noodles," she answered, almost apologetically. "I only had change for that much. I left my purse at home."

"Ah, okay..." was his only response. 

Seojun wanted to tell her he didn't much like iced coffee after all. In fact, he couldn't wrap his head around how the girl could enjoy the bitter taste of a filter kind. But then again, iced was a better alternative to black coffee, he mused off-handedly. Suho somehow thought the latter to be enjoyable. 

Seojun realized with a start he was thinking of Suho as the boy who was no longer in his life the way he once used to be. There was no denying that things had changed drastically in the past year. Their relationship was not the same anymore. Not even a sliver of what once used to be, in fact. 

Seojun's eyes grew dark as he realized his thoughts had taken the very direction he had hoped to avoid. He flicked his hair out of his eyes, realizing that Yoon-ah was sipping a glass of iced coffee, watching him with curious eyes. 

"You've taken the order already?" he exclaimed in mild surprise. 

"You're really out of it today, aren't you?" the girl countered, tilting her head to the side.  

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