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chapter 24


"Come on in..."

At those words, a huge smile spread across Seojun's face as though he was a five-year-old that had just been given his favorite candy. "If you insist..." he grinned. 

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With a roll of her eyes, the brunette waved at the boy to follow her. Yoon-ah knew Seojun was staring around in wonder even without looking back, as was the routine reaction of many people seeing her house. 

She looked back with an amused gaze to see Seojun's enthralled eyes scan the house, the kind of place most kids dream of living in someday. The house was nestled between trees on one of the city's most exclusive streets; it had balconies, a screened-in porch, a free-standing garage, a gazebo, a pool, and formal gardens.

 The house was nestled between trees on one of the city's most exclusive streets; it had balconies, a screened-in porch, a free-standing garage, a gazebo, a pool, and formal gardens

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"Tae-hoon said your place was very big," Seojun whistled aloud. "But I never expected it to be this big."

She shook her head lightly, a chuckle escaping her lips, and reached into her bag for the keys. Even though the garage door was open, Yoon-ah did not even spare it a glance. This had evolved into something of a habit over the past year, and in the back of her mind, she did not anticipate that Seojun would do anything different. She forgot, however, that the boy was seeing her house for the first time. 

"You're kidding," Seojun exclaimed suddenly. Yoon-ah glanced upwards in surprise. Following his line of sight, the brunette couldn't help but be a little surprised to see the boy's eyes fixated on that one object in the garage she always avoided looking at whenever she stumbled that way.

In the center of the otherwise empty garage, stood an expensive hybrid motorcycle in all its glory. Yoon-ah's initials were engraved on the bike in regal gold lettering. The bike itself was gleaming with a crystal-like appearance, Mrs. Kim having pulled off the covers moments earlier in order to clean it. The brunette averted her eyes to the ground, her heart throbbing in wistful temptation.

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