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chapter 28


Song Yoon-ah bounded down the last flight of stairs to the ground floor, her hair trailing behind her. Despite the tension in her muscles, her last steps were filled with hesitation. The girl tugged on the strap of her backpack, nibbling at her lips in thought. 

"Yoon-ie," she heard a familiar voice cry out from the other end of the hallway. It was Sua. "Hurry up, we just have a few minutes left before the talent show auditions begin."

The brunette forced a smile at her friend, motioning at her to wait. Almost out of necessity, she gave one final glance behind her shoulders in hopes of catching a glimpse of the dark-haired boy walking down after her. However, her naive hope did not prove to be true...the staircase was completely empty.

Yoon-ah shook her head as though to dispel the absurd thoughts that were starting to invade her mind - Seojun had said it would take him a while, after all. For him to lie without any reason would be ridiculous. 

The boy hadn't acted any differently from his ordinary calm and unperturbed self upstairs, and nor did he have any clear reason to be upset about Lim Jukyung hanging out with Lee Suho - if he knew about it at all, that is. And yet, Yoon-ah could not shake off the feeling that there was something amiss about Seojun's behavior. 

What was even more frustrating was the fact the girl couldn't quite pinpoint what exactly was bothering her. 

"Yoon-ie, what happened?" Sua approached her, jerking the girl out of her thoughts by taking hold of her arm. "You seem a little lost. Are you all right?"

Yoon-ah gave her a slow nod, blinking away the daze in her eyes. "I'm okay," she said, though her voice was uncertain. "I just had something on my mind."

Sua's ears perked up immediately. 

"Anything worrying?" the girl asked, concern making its way to her face. "Ani- It's nothing," Yoon-ah replied with a dismissive smile, hoping that it was reassuring enough to soothe the other girl. "We should get to the auditions."

"We really should." 

Despite nodding in agreement, Sua still had a small frown adorning her pretty features. 

"By the way, have you seen Soojin?" she asked. "I haven't seen her since she left with you."


"And Jukyung? Shouldn't she be back now?"

The brunette recalled the girl sitting on the roof with Lee Suho at the moment, enjoying the delicious food that the seemingly stoic boy had provided for her.

"No," she responded, with a gleam in her eyes that hinted at her amusement. "Oh, it's alright. They'll catch up eventually. We should go reserve seats in the auditorium before it fills up."

"I wouldn't worry about that," the other girl muttered under her breath, making Yoon-ah squint her eyes in suspicion. 



"I do not like the look on your face," she said, her eyes wary. "There better be no shady plans coming from you right now- I really don't have the energy to deal."

The other girl only gave her a sheepish grin in response. 

With raised brows, Yoon-ah followed her friend to their destination, choosing to dismiss her concerns about Seojun for the time being. 

Within seconds of walking through the double doors into the auditorium, Yoon-ah noticed that there was only a small trickle of people seated inside, mostly the members of the student judging panel. 

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