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chapter 10

"Aishh!" A deep voice cried out, grumbling curses under their breath.  Recognizing the familiar voice, Yoon-ah swiveled back to see an annoyed Seojun glaring at her.

"Han Seojun?" Yoon-ah choked out. "What the hell? Why would you do that?!?"

"I- ahhh, who else did you expect it to be?" Seojun cursed, holding his jaw in pain. 

With annoyance evident in her eyes, Yoon-ah took in the scene in front of her. The boy's hair was messy and his bangs fell over wild, disbelieving eyes as he cradled his face with his hands. "Where on earth did you learn how to hit like that?" he asked incredulously. 

Yoon-ah felt awful but she couldn't help but laugh at the horrified look on the boy's face. She smiled sheepishly in response. Reaching out to tuck her messy locks back in place, Yoon-ah's eyes widened to see Seojun flinch at her action. 

"Stay away from me," Seojun warned, backing up. "It still hurts."

Yoon-ah's hands fell limp by her side and she stared at her shoes guiltily. "I'm sorry," Yoon-ah whispered softly, moving closer to him. "I didn't realize it was you."

The boy eyed her warily as Yoon-ah approached him. Trying to be as gentle in her movements as she could, Yoon-ah gently brushed away his hand from his face, slipping her hands under his jaw in order to examine the place of injury. Yoon-ah gently touched the wounded area, massaging it to ease the pain. 

Seojun could feel a slight pain forming on his jaw when the girl touched him. He shifted his weight on his feet, only to feel his back brushing against the wall behind him. Suddenly, Seojun felt insanely aware of just how close the two were standing. 

The boy felt warmth rush to his cheeks. He coughed in an attempt to conceal the growing redness on his face and gently stepped away, distancing himself from her.

"Good news is nothing's broken," Yoon-ah piqued up, smiling. "You may have few bruises though."

"How can that be good news?" Seojun sputtered, looking at the seemingly indifferent girl with incredulous eyes. "You just hurt my face."

"I told you I was sorry," The brunette said, pursing her lips. "What else do you want me to do?"  

"The 'sorry' doesn't fix my precious face," Seojun grumbled at the apology. 

"Who asked you to grab me like that?" Yoon-ah retorted. "Anybody would think they're being abducted."

"As if it makes sense for somebody to attempt to abduct you," Seojun snapped back with a teasing smirk. "I don't think anyone would go so far to invest their time and energy in you, Yoon-ah-ya."

Yoon-ah turned her head away and perched on top of the nearby desk with a scowl. 

"What was it?" she asked. 

Song Yoon-ah looked absolutely divine sitting on the bench with her arms crossed. The sunlight that hit her warm brown eyes made them look a deep chocolate brown with shimmering golden specks dancing on the edges of her big orbs. Brown no longer described them for they felt like they were a part of the eclipse, blending with the golden rays falling on them. 

"Huh?" Seojun asked dumbly, not being able to maintain his attention on the words she was speaking.

"I asked why you dragged me into this room like that, you psychopath," Yoon-ah repeated, pointedly looking away from the boy. Her face was bare of the traces of guilt and concern, replaced by her signature stoney expression, which made people unfamiliar with her think that she was haughty and mean. Despite her seemingly haughty demeanor, really anyone who knew her could see that she was actually very charming, chivalrous, and humble. 

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