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chapter 20

Soon after, Song Yoon-ah and Han Seojun sat across from one another in a secluded corner of a small café near Seojun's house after the girl woefully explained that they were not there for a 'fitting'.

"But why are we making a PPT?" The boy grumbled, his mood soured at realizing they had to work on the computer instead. He was looking forward to showing off the skills he picked up from his modeling stints.

Yoon-ah groaned. "Han Seojun, if you bring up the fitting one more time, I will start crying."

"I even went to the gym yesterday," muttered Seojun, ignoring the girl's statement altogether.

Yoon-ah grimaced. She had been curious as to Seojun's enthusiasm for this particular project, given his reputation for not submitting work on time.

The reasoning for his behavior, however, seemed to be entirely different.

And so, with a shrug, the girl continued typing away on her keyboard, indifferent to the boy's repeated attempts to capture her attention. In typical Yoon-ah style, it didn't take long for the girl to become so engrossed in her work that everything else faded into the background.

She barely registered Seojun's dark eyes on her as he watched her work, even as he snapped photos of her out of boredom

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She barely registered Seojun's dark eyes on her as he watched her work, even as he snapped photos of her out of boredom.

The boy's attention was drawn to one of the pictures and he zoomed in."How cute..."

Yoon-ah shifted her gaze away from the laptop. "What was that?" she asked.


"I just heard you say something-" the brunette accused, her eyes narrowing.

"I didn't say anything," Seojun mumbled, averting his gaze from her face. "You're hearing things."

"You did."


"Aish-whatever," Yoon-ah scoffed, returning her attention to her laptop with a roll of her eyes.

After a second of silent reflection, Seojun spoke up again: "Yah!"

Her head barely rising from her laptop, Yoon-ah hummed inquiringly. "Hmm?"

"What are you doing?!"

"I'm making final changes to the research Soojin sent me," the girl said. "Hold on- we can make the PPT after I'm done."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Just sit there and look pretty," Yoon-ah finally looked up at the boy, flashing him a cheeky grin. Seojun scoffed, grumbling under his breath.

There was a moment's pause as he considered her words. "Are you saying I'm pretty?" The boy spoke up, his face lighting up with a teasing smirk.

The girl cried out in protest when he closed the laptop before her. She stuck out her tongue in response: "I never said that-"

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