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chapter 48

Yoon-ah groaned to herself as she turned over in bed. Sunshine shone directly into her eyes and the early morning chittering of the birds wafted in through the open window. Yoon-ah didn't recall leaving her window open last night. 

Her dreams had been nothing but a jumble of scenes, some actual memories and others fiction, that her overactive brain had conjured up after last evening. Her body still ached, ears ringing with the sound of a loud page turn that had interrupted her sleep. Yet again, she felt as though the sound had resonated throughout the room, a sensation she could not explain even to herself. Half awake, she wasn't sure if she had dreamed it up or if it had actually been real. 

It took her a moment, but she finally gathered herself and made her way to the bathroom. The idea of skipping school for the day crossed her mind while getting ready but she dismissed it just as quickly. Even though Suho wasn't known for gossiping, he might be worried if she didn't show up and inquire about the matter. His words would only serve to stir up rumors and create anxiety among her friends. 

The day before had felt like a vivid fever dream in and of itself. Had it not been for the fine woolen jumper draped across her sofa, she might have assumed it was just that. She lingered a moment as she saw it, her fingers gently brushing  across the soft fabric. Given the chaotic nature of last evening, it wasn't surprising Suho had left it behind. 

Still, something about it felt fundamentally wrong. Every aspect of it. Her willingness to accompany him to the theatre, watching the romance movie together, what he knew about Ha-joon, the time they spent together, how late he took leave, and the fact that he had left his sweater behind at her house. It was unnerving to realize she hadn't spoken of any of this to anyone, not even her sister.  

After slipping on her boots, she took one last glance back in her living room, where the sweater looked even more out of place than it did earlier that morning. She grunted in frustration, and snatched it off the plush fabric sofa, then headed out of the house with determined steps. 

She found herself in front of Suho's apartment in no time. The building itself was the most sincere of grays, a deep slate-blue hue. It was only a short walk down her own street, and memory guided her right outside his front door with no problems at all. It was the same as every other doorway on the block, straight with clean lines; it lead to his house, and there lay her destination. 

Yoon-ah raised her hand to knock on the varnished door, but hesitated. She already knew what she wanted to say. She simply had to acertain he understood what transpired last night was none of his business so he wouldn't run his mouth in front of her friends. To pretend nothing had changed, and to ensure he kept the details to himself under any circumstances.  

Just as she was coming to a decision, the door flung open in front of her to reveal Suho. 

The boy let out a heavy breath as he saw her and leaned against the wooden frame, fingers still clasped around the doorknob. The boy looked worn out, his hair sleep-tousled, and exhaustion heavy in his eyes. Yoon-ah felt her stomach tighten with guilt. 

His wide eyes shifted over her shoulder, and then back at her. He seemed surprised to see her at his door, but only just. One of his eyebrows raised briefly and then fell back into his unpenetrable expression. "Did you want something?" he asked coolly.

"Wow. Hello to you too, I guess."

"Ah, well, hi." Suho rubbed the back of his neck, a faint pink blossoming across his cheeks. He was dressed in the school uniform, yet he still wore his house slippers. It was obvious that she had caught him as he was getting ready for school.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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