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chapter 39

Yoon-ah had been hugged before, but never like this since her mother passed. There was something so warm, something that felt right in the air. The tension in her muscles dissipated at his touch, as if by magic, and all the pain and trauma from the previous evening seemed to fade away all at once. In his embrace, she felt her worries lose their sharp sting, and her optimism rise from the ashes. 

All of a sudden, a chilly breeze blew in through the open windows. A gentle breeze, but one that signaled that winter was just around the corner. Yoon-ah shivered involuntarily, her hair blowing away in the gust. Seojun, however, did not say a word, only pulling her closer to himself. She could feel calloused fingers brushing her hair back with a light touch.

It is one thing to feel the hug of gentle arms that leaves room for breathing; yet another to feel the hug of strong arms that tells you - body, brain, and soul - that they are with you. In a sense, it was both of those things and something much more than that. The most luxurious comforters and bedding in the world had never brought Yoon-ah the same level of comfort that she found in Seojun's arms right then. The world slowed to a halt in his embrace. Somehow Yoon-ah felt, well, at ease. 

She would not have let go if she had a choice. The last thing she wanted was to be alone yet again. What she wouldn't give for someone to lean on just this once. One thought lingered in her mind, however. 

Irrespective of how she felt about it, Seojun had nothing to do with any of this. She had no right to drag him into her pits of hell and force him to face her demons. It wouldn't be fair to him. The battle was hers to fight, and she had to face it in the same way she always had. By herself. 

And just like that, Yoon-ah pulled away from him, her hands tightening behind her back. The expression on Seojun's face said little about his thoughts regarding her abrupt reaction. Almost as if he had anticipated her backtracking. Yoon-ah brushed her hair out of her eyes, feeling a dull ache grow in her chest. 

"I- um, thanks," she started to say. Jittery as ever, her fingers played around with the charms on her bracelet. A final tug at her band brought her back to focus, and she sat up straight, gazing at him with clear eyes. "Thanks for being here." 

Seojun poked his cheek with his tongue, a small smile trying to fight its way to his lips. "It's too bad that isn't enough," he declared unexpectedly, wisps of dark hair spilling over his eyes. He looked a little different, though Yoon-ah couldn't figure just why. It took her a brief moment to register his words. 


"Don't think I'll let you off so easily." The boy finally turned to face her with a small grin. "I'm taking you out for a ride after dinner. That should ease your insomnia."

 "On your bike?" Yoon-ah crossed her arms, stifling a smile. "What kind of twisted journals do you read, Han Seojun?"

The boy only chuckled at her words. A short, raspy sound- the kind Yoon-ah wouldn't give up for anything. In fact, it only served to fuel her determination. There was no way she would allow Seojun to get involved in this. It was inevitable that she had to fight her demons alone.  

"Yah," Seojun spoke up again, interrupting her thoughts. His expression was pronouncedly more severe than before. "I mean it." 

Unfortunately, before she had a chance to counter him, a panting Sua burst in through the swinging doors. "I rushed back as fast as I could," the girl called, out of breath. "Yoonie, are you awake yet?" 

Her eyes fell on the two red-faced teenagers at the far end of the room, who stared back at her in apparent surprise. Yoon-ah could only blink as Sua's gaze suggestively trailed over her wild hair, and then to Seojun's hand dangling mere inches from her own. 

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