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chapter 45

It took Yoon-ah a moment to tear her gaze away from him. She cleared her throat. During her entire time at the school, she competed with Lee Suho for first place in class, competitions, and activities. Most of the time, when they spoke, it was to correct each other, argue, or make a snide remark.

And in spite of their strange bond growing in the past few weeks, they all but held each other at an arm's distance and, quite honestly, remained a little disdainful of one another.

This felt like an odd moment of peace between them.

Almost like a budding friendship. 

"Me either," she confessed quietly.

The day itself was interesting in and of itself. Certainly a lot of firsts for her. Her first time stalking her best friend on a date. Her first time in a movie theatre with Lee Suho. Her first time thinking of him as someone she related to, as opposed to this demi-god figurine painted by the school kids. It wouldn't hurt to keep delivering surprises.

Suho was surprised by her words. "I'm sorry, what?"

Yoon-ah rolled her eyes. It suddenly seemed like a bad idea to disclose anything to him. "You heard me the first time, dumbass."

"You've never been on a date? Ever?" He gazed at her past the hair falling on his eyes. Yoon-ah itched to brush it away. He seemed awed, almost amused by this fact.

The brunette scoffed. "Look who's talking!"

"It's just hard to believe, that's all."

"Why so?"

Suho shook his head. "You're...not awfully unattractive."

It made her eyes widen. "Is that a compliment, Lee Suho?"

He didn't reply, although the wry quirk of his lips indicated otherwise. Yoon-ah shoved him playfully. "There's no way this is real, I must be hallucinating," she teased. "Try again. I know you can do better."

He gave her a death stare back. 

"Come on. Please?" 

Suho grunted aloud in resignation. "I meant your presence doesn't make me want to scream out loud." A pause. "You're...bearable to be around."

"Is that all I get from you?" Yoon-ah snickered. "Aww, I'm touched."

"Happy now? Then, stop talking."

"Looks like you're in luck, lover boy," Yoon-ah quipped cheekily, gesturing at the door. "Jukyung is here."

She could feel the shift in the air even before the boy's gaze landed on Jukyung. Suho was suddenly on high alert. And although she tried to convince herself that she was only there to watch the movie, she could not deny the wave of adrenaline that worked up her body.

After a while, the movie began to blur together and her limbs tingled with nervous energy. Jukyung and Yong-ho, classmates who knew Yoon-ah and Suho hated each other, were sitting in the same theatre as them. Her gaze was mostly directed at the movie, which was occasionally broken by glances at her friend. The brunette's inability to acknowledge how dreamy the male lead looked said enough about her unease.

Not much happened for quite a while. Yoon-ah had lost herself in the movie at some point, forgetting about their situation altogether. It was raining, the leads were soaked to the bone, and the tensions in the air were high. A confession was imminent and she could feel her own heart race faster in anticipation.

Suho let out an irritable grunt beside her. Yoon-ah scowled to herself, her eyes moving to the couple in front of them on their own accord. The older boy had an arm around Jukyung's seat. It was a mildly romantic gesture, albeit a little bold.

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