chapter three

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It had been a few weeks since Yellow transferred, she started to get settled, getting the hang of things and how the school worked in general. 

Yellow was heading back to lunch as she went to go to the bathroom, she was walking down the hallway before she heard a voice and unconsciously jerked back and hid behind the wall, eavesdropping. 

"I really like you!" Yellow heard someone say. A confession? Yellow wondered.

"I'm sorry, I really can't" Yellow heard Red say, she peeked over the wall and saw Red with a girl talking, Red was rubbing the back of his neck and it seemed like he was attempting to avoid eye contact with the girl.

"Why do you always reject everyone? Do you l-like someone?" She said, looking down

"Not exactly, it's just I don't want to date someone I'm not romantically interested in, I'm sorry, really," He said, the girl just ran away covering her face with her hands leaving Red speechless. The bell rang as a sign of the start of period 5 and he started to head back to class, Yellow followed far behind.

Period 5 was maths, Yellow pondered on what she saw earlier that day always? everyone? does Red always get confessions? Does he like someone? Yellow shook her head why would i even care Yellow felt her face heating up i need to stop thinking about this Yellow lightly smacked her face before digging her face back into the books and continuing on with her math questions.

School had ended for the day and Yellow and Blue were walking back to their dorm, "what were you thinking about today during maths class? I saw you, you know?" Blue asked "Ah- uhm, earlier I saw Red being confessed to, and I don't know, it just got me wondering" Yellow replied.

"it's love!" Blue shouted

"No it's not! we only met a few weeks ago" Yellow scoffs

"Then, soon it'll be love" Yellow didn't reply to that already knowing that it might sure well be a fact, she could feel the slow attraction towards the dark-headed boy. Blue had an obvious grin on her face but didn't say anything, they continued to walk back in silence.

"What's the answer?! Is it B or is it A, the answer will be revealed after this short break"

"Are you watching those dumb quiz shows again?" Green remarks, walking into the dorm and putting his shoes on the shoe rack. "Yea, there's nothing else on"

"Don't you have homework or something?" Green asks, opening the fridge and looking for ingredients for dinner

"nah, i finished it all" Red replies nonchalantly. Green raised an eyebrow "Really? You feeling alright?"

"well, I got confessed to again today and i don't know, now i'm just contemplating, why don't i just date one of them? They're all so nice and cute" Red answered. Green closes the fridge "You know that answer already"

"Do I really?" Red asks, not removing his eyes from the screen

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" There was no reply, Green sighed "You have someone in mind that you like, or at least are attracted to - even if it's unconscious" Red ponders on Green's answer "Really?"

"Yes, really" Green nods "Now get your ass off the couch and help me make dinner unless you want to go starving for tonight" Red groans and grabs the remote control to turn the tv off, then heading off to the kitchen counter "Why are we both so bad at cooking"

"We aren't that bad, we're just below average" Green says opening the cabinet to take out a pot. "Hey, let's just go to Blue's dorm to eat, Yellow can cook can't she?"

"Are you serious?" Green sarcastically asks

"Yes, I'm completely serious," Red says before standing up, grabbing Green's arm and dragging him out of the door "Hey! Red! Let go of me!" Green shouts as he drops the pot.

knock knock knockity knock knock

"Godamnit, who is it?" Blue opens the door to see a grinning Red and Green with an obviously crumpled shirt. "So any leftovers?" Red asks

The two entered the dorm and Green greeted them properly

"I'm really sorry for this, Yellow" Green says sighing, turning his attention to Red sitting himself on their large navy blue couch. Yellow chuckles "No need to worry, I'd be happy to cook for more, the more the merrier" Green smiles in reply and mouths a small thanks. Yellow decided to cook fried rice for them since it was easy to make for a larger group of people. Green helped Yellow out by setting out the plates on the counter. "You could at least be of some kind of help" Green looks to the direction of Blue and Red lying on the couch, Yellow giggles a bit. 

"Well, dinner's ready," She says as she pours the rice into the four plates.

"Thank you for the food' The other three say in unison.


i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! i'm really sorry this was such a short chapter, as i'm rewriting everything i'm trying to expand it but it's hard especially since i don't want to change anything up too much, i'm also not that well versed in romance as i have yet to have any experience, so i can't guarantee an amazing and heart-wrenching love story. 

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