christmas special #5

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christmas eve

Yellow and Red had been dating for over a few months now, and they were a lot more comfortable with each other compared to when they just started their relationship. Yellow was less embarrassed about skin-ship which resulted in bolder actions from Red, though Yellow limited their skin-ship in public, saying that it may bother people and it's still embarrassing.

The two planned for a domestic date inside, they compromised with their friends and had Green and Blue stay in the girls dorm and Yellow and Red in the boys dorm for the day, so they could spend alone time with their respective partners on Christmas.

Yellow arrived at Red's dorm at 7:30am in the morning, she greeted the two boys and not to soon later Green left to go meet Blue. The two didn't have much things planned for the actual date, they knew they wanted to make dinner together but that was it, they sat together and talked but they were unable to spark any conversation. When Yellow decided to look around she saw that the dorm was lightly decorated thanks to Blue, it was her first time in Red's dorm since the holidays started since it was usually Red who came over, the dorm was pretty similar to hers but with less colour.

"It's really cold" Yellow shivered, despite being under a blanket, she could still feel the cold air through her bones. "Haha you're getting old" Red laughed, "Me? Says you" The blonde pouted which caused Red to stop laughing and hop under the blanket to cuddle with his adorable girlfriend.

"hah... what should we do?" Red wondered, thinking about the many possibilities that he could do with his lover, "I've already bought the ingredients for dinner and put them in the fridge so that's ready for whenever we want to eat" Yellow informed. 

"We could watch a movie?" Red suggested, snuggling his head on Yellow's shoulder, "We could"

"We could play some board games?" He proposed, "We could also do that" Yellow replied.

"We could also do something more than that?" Red's arm found itself around Yellow's waist, as he pulls her closer. The shorter one blushed bright red, "Haha just kidding, we'll reserve that for after dinner" He whispered into her ear.

"Don't do that!" Yellow scolded, hitting him on the shoulder, "Sorry sorry" he apologised

"So, how about that movie?" Red said standing up to retrieve the discs in the drawer, "I'm fine with anything!" Yellow yelled out to notify her boyfriend that he could pick whatever he desired. Red came back with a few discs in his hands, "shall we just binge watch these?"

"Sure" she replied, lifting herself off of the couch to get some snacks and drinks to enjoy the movie with. When she came back, Red was already snuggled under the blankets and gestured for her to come sit next to her. She placed the snacks on the coffee table and joined her lover on the couch, as they started to watch the movie.


just confirming right now that they 100000% binged watched the pokemon movies, it's canon

Due to a loud sound from the television, Yellow was startled awake, she noticed that they both fell asleep along the way of their binge watching. She reached out to pick up her phone which laid next to the now-empty plates, her phone read 4:57pm. She sat there and thought about how long they had been sleeping and whether or not to wake up Red to start making dinner or not. After a while of pondering, she decided to join Red in dreamland, lifting the blanket and made herself comfortable before drifting back to sleep.


and that's a wrap! that's all for the christmas specials this year, and hopefully there won't be any next year because i'm going to strive to finish this damn story before december of 2019. 

anyway, i decided to make this chapter quite short because i wanted you guys to not spend your christmas eve/christmas reading and instead celebrating with your family and friends.

everyone please have an amazing holiday and new years filled with joy and hope, be safe and enjoy your time with your loved ones. have a wonderful rest of the day and thank you so very much for reading!

it's up to you to decide what yellow and red ended up doing after dinner ;^D

24 december 2018

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