Chapter 10

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||Red's POV||

Exams start tomorrow and then the holidays will finally come, I can't wait for the holidays but I can wait for godamn exams.

"Why am I so stupid?" Green looked at me

"Huh? That was random" I continued to look at the window

"But seriously why am I so stupid?" Green went back to his book but continued talking

"Oh this is about exams isn't it?"

"Yea. Yea it is" Green flipped his page

"Well you always end up passing so what does it matter?"

I finally look at him and answer "Yea.. but.. but.." He looked at me "But what huh? Your grades aren't that bad so just relax, unless you suddenly drop or something"

"Then will you tutor me if my grades drop?" I ask him

"What? Pfft no, who do you think I am" He says as he puts his book back on his shelf. "What?! Thats sad." I say picking up a random book pretending to be interested "Get Yellow to tutor you, she's smart, you like her and she seems to fancy you"

"What?! She fancies me?" dropping my book as I hear Shushes from the people.

"God this is a library could you quiet down? And yes she does, its obvious" he doesn't stop scanning the shelf for books

"She acts that to everyone though, she's nice to everyone....everyone" I say picking up my book and putting it back

"Aish you are such a dense idiot" he says finally picking a few books and walking to the counter, I follow him

"Yea I am aren't I....." I look at the ground.

"Wow you finally admitted it, that took some time" he says taking out his card so he can borrow.

"But you know, you'll probably get great grades if you actually bother to study" he says putting his books in his bag and walk out.

"Really? Ya think so?" I say following him once again.

"Yea mate, but for now can we just get back to the dorm in peace? I'm bored of hearing you complain" He says as he checks for the bus times since we went to the city library and we need to take the bus home.

"I'm not complaining! God....." I say getting my myki out

"Yea yea, got it" he sits down and I sit down beside me, he opens his book and starts reading. Well I know he's not gonna say anything and not gonna reply to anything I say. We just sit for a while as we wait for the bus to arrive, and I really need to take a bathroom break but looks like its not going to happen.

"Ya, the bus is here, get your head out of the clouds" Green snaps me out of my imagination of having the bliss to piss.

A/N Um lol that rhymed xD

"Yea sorry" I say as I get on the bus and scanning my card, since its Sunday the bus was quite free so we actually got a seat and Green cracked open his book and continued reading.
Now that I think about it I need to go get some books to read, I should get myself a bookmark to, I usually need a nice bookmark to motivate me to read. I think thats just me though.
I let my mind just wonder and wonder, I end up falling asleep, but its fine since its quite a long trip till our dorms.

"Wake up" I feel Green shaking me "Its our stop"

I wake up and get my card to scan it as I get off, I'm really tired and drowsy, I just want to get back to the dorm and sleep. We arrive back at the dorm and I flop myself on my bed and slowly fall into dream land.

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