chapter twenty-two

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Red was feeling as better as ever, but the same couldn't be said for the wittier ones of the group. Blue caught her own fever, staying at home resting while Green stayed quiet, quieter than usual.

"Something definitely happened between the two" Red whispered into Yellow's ear, the blonde nodded in reply and said, "we should help them out?" Yellow suggests and Red nods. They decide to question the two and figure something out after that. The first two periods continued on as usual, recess came and then period three and four which was a double of physical education. Lunch break came by and questions about the two arose.

"Where's Blue?" Platina questions, Pearl and Diamond nod their heads in question as well, "She's sick so she's staying home for the moment, I'm sure she'll get better soon" Yellow reassures.

"Did she catch Red's fever?" Gold asked. Red whispered a small "Whoops"

Green stood up, "Bathroom," He says before walking up. Everyone stares and once he was out of sight, the conversation continued.

"So? How about Green? He's acting kinda gloomy?" Ruby points out "Green's always gloomy" Sapphire and Emerald simultaneously reply, hi-fiving each other after at their genius in sync minds. "We don't know about that, we're guessing something happened in between them," Red says.

"Finally," Silver says. The others stare at him for a while before understanding his statement. "Wait, what? I don't get it" Sapphire whispers to Ruby, Emerald face-palms while Ruby explains "He's saying how, finally, after so long they've made some progress - romantically" Sapphire takes a while before her face morphs into one of realisation. 

Lunch ends without Green returning, Red decides to pack up the things Green left behind and bring it to him during class. Red and Yellow walk into class to see Green sitting at his table, lost in thought. "Here, Green, you left these at lunch," Red says placing the lunchbox on his desk, "Thanks" Green replies, without making eye contact with the black haired boy. The last two periods went by painfully slow, all three didn't say much, keeping quiet to themselves. When the day ended Red and Yellow looked at each other and nodded, the plan was in action.

Yellow reached for the dorm key in her skirt pocket, after opening the door, she walked inside quietly, trying not the wake up the sick Blue. She went to her room and quickly unpacked her things, taking off her blazer and hanging it up. She heads to the kitchen, she unbuttons her cuffs and pulls up her sleeves and gets ready to cook. I'll cook some wonton soup for Blue, and make some lunch for tomorrow as well. 

Red walks back to their dorm alongside Green. "So, Green, hows life?" Red awkwardly asks, not really knowing how to start the conversation. "It's alright"

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