christmas special #2

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"Let's have a Christmas party!" Gold announced, as he put down his drink. Crystal and Silver give him a judging look "Come on, it'll be fun!"

The three were out at a cafe together, relaxing as exams had finally ended. "I don't know Gold, seems like a lot of work" Crystal says thinking about all the preparing that would have to be done. "That's dumb" Silver stated, sipping on his coffee.

"Excuse me?" Gold snared. "It'll be a good chance to allow everyone to meet up on these holidays and have fun" he says.

"I know, let's have it on Christmas eve, and we can stay up till the morning and celebrate Christmas!" Gold suggest excitedly, already thinking about all the cool things that could be there.

"Did you forget?" Silver starts, Gold and Crystal look over curiously.

"There are like three couples in our group, they'll probably be busy on the 24th and the 25th"

"Three? There's Yellow and Red and Blue and Green, who's the other one?" Gold questions.

"Ruby and Sapphire, they're not a couple but their feelings are obvious as day and they're most likely to do something together" Crystal explains "Also, I doubt Platina, Pearl and Diamond would come, knowing them they'll stay indoors for a sleepover and watch Christmas movies."

Silver and Gold nod at the latter explanation, they can easily see the younger trio under their blankets and watching The Grinch.

"See, there's no point in a party with just us and the possible edition of Emerald" Silver says, twirling his straw around his empty drink.

Gold pouts, "we should at least do something! Right?"

The other two look at each other and shrug, "let's just relax, no need for anything special" Crystal suggests, Silver nods in agreement - the two look over to the pouting student, he grudgingly says "Fine"

"But, we have to do something at Lunar new yea-"

"Everyone is going to return back to their homes and celebrate with their family" Silver cuts in before Gold could finish his statement


"It's fine Gold, let's just have fun between us alright?"

"No! We're going to have party, even if it's just us three, we're going to have a party and it's going to be a great one and everyone will be jealous." Gold pumps his fist in the air, determined about his idea. Crystal takes a deep sigh and continues to sip her drink while Silver rolls his eyes, already dreading what will soon happen.


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