Chapter 7 I think? Or 8

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||Yellow's POV||

"Good Morning" I said as I walked into class along with Blue

"Morning!" Blue said following after me

"Morning Yellow, Blue" Green said looking irritated. Red didn't say anything, he looked busy doing something?

"Red-san what are you doing in such a hurry?" I asked


"He's copying my homework because he fell asleep at like 6pm yesterday and completely forgot about it"

"Haha you deserved it" Blue laughed out loud

"But Blue-san didn't you copy my homework this morning?"

"Hah! So I'm not the only one" Red said smirking

"Well at least I didn't fall asleep!" Blue retorted

Blue and Red aren't stupid, they're actually quite smart... Well Blue is.

"You were probably doing something stupid, like partying" Red said while sticking out his tongue

"Partying? Me? Pfft never, well Yellow would never allow it"

"Its bad for you Blue-san" I said as I sat down at my seat

"Not really, its just dancing around~" She said as she also sat down.

"Okay everybody! Sit down, Homeroom is starting!"

Looks like Red-san finished his 'homework'.

||Red's POV||

Oh thank god I finished copying, I should give this back to Green now, well its all good since we have maths in 4th period. Our homeroom teacher walked out and we got our things ready for 1st and 2nd period which was History and P.E (Physical Education) 

Great....History my favourite well at least we have P.E, I think History is actually Yellow's favourite and P.E is her least favourite, Man she's like the complete opposite of me, well thats not a bad thing.... I think... Opposites attract... Right?

30mins later~

Gosh why is our history teacher so godamn boring, I think its extremely cliche to have a boring History teacher, well its like the most boring subject so the teacher suits it quite well. We still have 20mins left, UGH. Maybe if I sigh class will be over. Yep like thats totally gonna happen
I think I sighed so hard the whole class heard me.

"Red. Do you know the name of the 6th-4th century BC military and political alliance between Sparta, Argos, Corinth and Elis? You should since we were just talking about it" He said sternly

"Um.... uh Peloponnesian League?"


Thank god... I didn't think I'd get that, Luckily I remember about that, Green tutored me all about it, And man he is the most harsh teacher I've ever had.

Finally History is over~ We have P.E now.

"Come on Red, We gotta get changed"
"Yes Yes, I'm coming Green" I got my clothes out of my locker and ran to where Green was.

"Hello Red-Senpai" I opened the door to the change room, greeted with the sound of Pearl's voice

"Oh hey Pearl"

"Hey, Oh Green-Senpai you're also here" he said

"Yea, You have P.E as well?" Green asked

"Yep, Me and Dia here"

"Cool" I said as I started to undress

"Wow! Red-senpai, Green-senpai you have such nice bodies!"

"Uh....Um yea......thanks.." I said rubbing the back of my neck, embarrassed.

We got changed and started to head outside.

"Yah, you guys get so long to get changed! The teacher's nearly here" Blue shouted

"Oh sorry, Pearl and DIa got a little touchy feely..."

......"OooOO~ Touchy Feely you say?" Blue raised her eyebrows while Yellow looked down at the floor, flushed.

"What...Ah! Not in that way! Pearl and Dia were just...."

"They thought we had good bodies so they were interested, nothing else" Green said continuing my sentence

"Awwww, How boring" Blue pouted

"Boring or not, you jump to conclusions way to much" Green said flicking her head

"Haha, they argue a lot don't they?" Yellow said as she giggled cutely

"Ah, yea they do, Me, Green and Blue are childhood friends"

"Eh? Really? Thats why you guys are so close" She smiled

"Yeah, we're always together"

"mhmm, you guys are" She nodded while saying

The teacher came and we started some stretches, followed by a fun game of dodge ball, We played against Pearl and Dia's class. It was a close game... Okay not really but we ended up winning.

It was finally recess, I went to buy some drinks while Blue and Yellow went to go to our usual table.

"I'm back!" I yelled as I headed for out table.

An Ice coffee for Green, Spring water for Blue, Aloe Vera for Yellow and I got myself a Ramune. We finished our drinks, talked for a bit and recess was already over.

The day ended in a flash, Thank you Green for letting me copy your homework. We went back to our dorm and decided to order takeout, probably Pizza, Recently the principal allowed Girls to go to the boys dorm and for boys to go to girls so we invited Yellow and Blue for the delightful dinner.

After helping with the cleaning up Blue and Yellow left.

I finished my homework already with the help of Yellow for history. Yay.

"Since there isn't anything else to do I'm going to go to bed early"

"Really? Already? Its only 8" Green said

"Yea, I'm kinda tired"

"Okay, night" He waved as I entered my room.

A long day is over and I can finally hit the lights.

Wow, I actually decided to update~ Yay~
Hopefully I'll update more often (I say that but the next chapter is probably gonna be like in 6 months)

Hope you liked the chapter and thank you for reading~ <33333

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