chapter four

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Yellow got up, it was the usual morning routine of washing up, getting changed, making breakfast and heading out. It was a fast morning as Yellow had started getting used to the school. "Morning" Blue said entering the kitchen as she dried her hair with a towel.

Lunch and breakfast was already laid out for Blue as she sat down on the counter "thank you for the food!" she said before digging in.

Yellow closed and locked their dorm before the two started walking to class, "what do you have first period?" Blue asked "I have science, you?" Yellow replied

"I have history" Blue muttered, obviously not happy about having to sit and listen to a boring teacher for 50 minutes "Oh yeah did you hear about the new student?" Blue said quickly turning her head towards Yellow's direction 

"No?" Yellow replied, curious

"Apparently there's a new student, probably in our class, they say they're going to be coming today," Blue said, slightly excited "I wonder what they're like," she says. By the time their conversation comes to an end, they both arrive in front of their class, coming in and sitting down at their seats. "Morning Green," Yellow said greeting him with a slight bow "Morning" he replied with a slight wave.

A minute before the bell rang, Red rushed into the classroom "I made it" he said, out of breath.

"Late as usual" Green muttered under his breath

"I heard that," Red said looking in Green's direction "and, it was because you left me." he says sitting down, unpacking his bag.

"Alright everyone, take your seats" The homeroom teacher came in "Today, we have a new student, please come in and introduce yourself"

A beautiful girl came into the classroom, everyone stared in awe (well most of them, Blue, Red and Green could care less, Yellow was daydreaming). "I'm Megumi Tanaka, it's a pleasure to meet you, I hope you all take care of me for this year" she cheerfully says, bowing and smiling.

She sits herself on the right of Yellow and smiles, then turns to Red, saying "nice to meet you" he bows as a response. Blue turned her attention to the new girl, her face wasn't so bright.

By lunchtime the new girl was following them around, "hey can I sit with you at lunch" she had said 10 minutes ago. Now here they are, Megumi Tanaka sitting with the crew. "I'm heading to the bathroom," Blue said, the others nodded and she left the area. I really don't like her Blue thought as she opened the door to the female bathroom her smile is so fake and Blue acknowledged her smile was fake sometimes too but at least she didn't have bad intentions.

"Back" Blue announced as she sat herself down.

"I'm going to fill up my water bottle at the drinking tap," Megumi said as she got up and dusted her skirt. As she came back, she accidentally tripped over Yellow, her bottle open, spilling all of her water over Yellow and her uniform.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" Megumi says as she reaches for a tissue and tries to wipe it off "It's alright, I have my sports uniform - I'll just go change into that" Yellow says as she gets up, careful of getting her skirt and blouse even wetter. As Yellow walks past to get back to her classroom Blue grabs Yellow's hand and mouths a 'are you alright', Yellow nods in reply and leaves.

As they continue their lunch, Megumi notices an obvious brunette glaring her down, she looks towards Blue to see the girl standing up and heading in her direction. "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Megumi looks up, curious but nods and she gets up to follow Blue. 

"So what did you need to talk about?"

"What are you planning?" Blue bluntly says with no hesitation. "I have no idea what you're on about" Megumi shrugs in a sarcastic tone

"Don't give me that, I know you have your eyes on Red" 

"So what? I can't like somebody?" Megumi replies, not bothering to keep her fake act, knowing that Blue had already figured out

Blue clicks her tongue "Red isn't the type of guy to fall for girls like you, don't try anything dirty, especially don't hurt Yellow" Blue muttered the last part, and she turns around, walking back towards the group

Yellow? What has Red got to do with that little girl? Megumi thought, Don't tell me that she likes him? That's a joke, I'll get Red before she even has a chance.

As the day ended, Yellow found herself heading back towards her dorm alone, wearing her trackies. 

I wonder if I should talk to Blue about Tanaka, I'm a bit worried about her, I don't think she likes me. 

sorry for the short chapter! i hope you're enjoying it so far, i'm sorry that it's so cliche and basic! i also hope you're liking the new revamped version of it, i'm a lot more proud of it compared to the original cringey ass version.

thank you for reading and have a great rest of the day :)

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