chapter twenty-three

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It didn't take long for Yellow and Red to realise that something happened between their two friends after they left them, and it was obviously a good thing. Blue and Green didn't come back until late that night and both arrived to their dorms with their respective roommates sound asleep. And when morning rose they didn't say anything about it, rather avoided the topic completely.

Yellow texted Red that morning asking how Green was acting and it was the same on his side, so Yellow suspected it didn't end well until their entered the school building and their friends were more lovey-dovey than they were and they've been dating for a little less than a year now.

"So, you guys wanna tell us what happened or?" Red asked, eyeing the brown headed duo

"Oh. Right." Blue replied.

"we're dating now, I guess" the second those words left Green's mouth the whole class whipped their heads to the couple's direction, staring for a few seconds before breaking out into a cheer.



"Wait, what do you mean finally??" Blue asked, clueless about their classmates' reactions

Red face palmed before replying "You guys have had obvious romantic tension for like, I don't know, since you guys have met"

"You're both more obvious than Yellow and Red and that's saying something" Yellow blushed at their classmate's comment, while Red laughed and pulled his girlfriend onto his lap.

"The two most popular students are together. Wow. No hope for the rest of the student body I guess"

"Not only the most popular, the most smartest and good looking, perfect couple right there"

Green and Blue looked at each other before laughing, not realising both the tension and the build up of their relationship. "Sorry Red, we're going to be taking your spot as best couple" Blue remarked.

"We don't want it" Red teased, hugging the blonde tighter.

Homeroom class soon started, it didn't take long for the teacher to notice the new couple, especially with the whole class whispering about it, he congratulated them and went on with roll call.

It was third period and there was going to be a small sport event, where Yellow's year level and Gold's year level were to merge and play, pretty much, a giant game of dodgeball.

"Not to excited are you?" Blue asked, looking over into Yellow's direction, the blonde girl sighed and replied "nope, but I'm sure I'll have fun!"

"I'll protect you don't worry" Red exclaimed, huffing out and hitting his chest, "I'm sure you will, you're her knight in shining armour after all" Green scoffed in response which led the two males start a staring competition, which wasn't the smartest considering they were walking. Red refused to break eye contact with his bestfriend, but when he felt a forceful tug on his sleeve which caused him to nearly stumble over he found himself blinking.

"You nearly walked straight into that pole!" the blonde girl shouted

"Dumbass" Green commented, Red shot him a look before nearly stumbling over "Find your balance before you pick any fights" Blue said, looking over towards his direction. It wasn't long before the three heard a quiet shut up from Red.

Yellow let out a huge sigh, they were all positioned and now just waiting for the teachers to blow the whistle to start the game. Red was in the front lines, ready to dash into the middle and grab a few balls, Blue and Green were near the front as well. Yellow on the other hand was standing on the far left, hoping no one would hit her. She didn't hate sport but she didn't have any love for it either, it was a very neutral subject for her, she just had a lot less stamina then most people due to her frail and small body.

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