Chapter 14~

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||Tanaka's POV||

Everyone was clapping and cheering, When Red and Yellow came into the class earlier everyone could tell that something happened, so they went into question mode and made Yellow and Red confess that they just started dating, man were the class crazy. Well still crazy actually.
"Awww Mr Popular has been taken!" The girls shouted as a joke

"You guys look great together! Don't forget about PDA!" Someone shouted, that made Yellow blush.

"Okay, okay lets calm down now" The teacher came in and calmed down the class, but they were still quite excited.
I decided to let Red go, I honestly think they look good together and I'm not a fan of seeing a certain girl glaring at me 24/7 cough cough Blue cough cough.

So, I had a little chat with Blue and told her I'm backing off.

||Blue's POV||

Tanaka let go of Red, even though I know she wasn't serious it still seems fishy but then again it doesn't seem like she was lying.


"Hey, mind if I talk to you?" I called out to her

"Huh? I guess" she replied.

"Look, I need you to stop going after Red, they a-" Before I could finish she cut me off

"Calm down, Look I'm not going after Red anymore, you should know the best that I wasn't serious, It was a fling. I personally think Yellow and Red look adorable together and messing up that innocent love is bullshit so I won't." She stated, I stared for a bit, still trying to process what she just said

"W-what?" I replied

"You heard me, I'm done" She said

"I see..... Thats good, well thats all I wanted to know" I say before walking off

"And thats all I needed to say" she replies loud enough for me to hear, I wave my hand as a sign that I heard her.

Anyway, Its done with and Tanaka isn't going after Red anymore, the reason doesn't matter to me, at least she doesn't plan on hurting Yellow in anyway then its fine. Lets just hope no one else comes around and ruins this innocent relationship and hopefully Red protects Yellow.

||Red's POV||

It makes me question what will happen if Blue and Green get together, if the excitement for us is this crazy then surely Green and Blue will have a massive party, after all Green plays hard to get, kinda the same with Blue.

"Um..." I turn my head at the noise
"Yes?" I reply to a short, petite girl who is probably in 1st yr.

"I was wondering... Are you an Yellow senpai really dating..?" She asks

"Oh, yea we are" I blush slightly

"Oh.... Its just I've always liked you! And I'm sure I can do as much as Yellow senpai can, I can cook, sew and I have high grades in all my studies!"
She raises her voice slightly

"Sorry... Its I really love Yellow, and even if you can do more than her, In my eyes she'll always be perfect" I say looking into her eyes, I can see tears form I feel a little guilty but I don't regret it.

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