chapter twenty four

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"Huh? What?"

"Dude I've been calling you for the last 30 seconds" Green sighed, closing the pantry door. "Oh, shit, sorry. The T.V is just hella distracting you know?"

Green looked at Red incredulously, "Red. Look at the T.V." Red turned his head in confusion, only for Green to motion once again towards the large TV screen. Red whipped his head around to see the television screen, but instead of the bright colours and noise he expected it was an empty black screen. "The T.V's off dude, what are you on about?"

Red stared blankly for awhile, before replying "I have no idea..."

"Well, I was asking, did you wanna eat noodles again or go down to the store and buy actual food?"

"I rather we just order in food? I'm kinda craving chinese" Red suggested, picking up his phone to open the uber eats app. "Sounds good to me" Green replied.

After the food was delivered, and the two boys found themselves sitting on the floor in their lounge, Green decided to break the silence. "So.. what's gotten you so distracted lately?"

"What do you mean?" Red asked, not looking away from his plate of dumplings.

"Well, firstly the T.V thing that happened 30 minutes ago? And the other day you kept walking into the door? You keep spacing out, I live with you, I notice these things. So tell me, what's up?"

"Nothing, I swear."

"I know bullshit when I hear it Red."

There was no reply, Red stared at his food and the chopsticks in his hand, and sighed. "I'm just worried about Yellow and that Ryu kid..."

"Are you serious?" Green asked in disbelief. "Wait, hear me out!" Red said before Green could continue. Green nodded.

"It's just they've been hanging out more often? Like Yellow told me the other day she bumped into him at the grocery store and they shopped together plus I KNOW for a fact that he likes her? I saw him about to confess before he chickened out.."

"Red... you're crazy." Green stated. It was Red's turn to look at him in disbelief.

"First of all, you're literally dating Yellow, don't you trust her?" The same words that Blue had echoed to him before, wow they really think alike Red thought.

"She's not going to randomly fall in love with some random new kid she JUST met, she's just being nice and trying to help him fit in and all. It's not like he's creating some rift in your relationship right? You guys are fine, and even if he does gain the courage to confess that doesn't mean Yellow is just going to willingly jump into his arms and they're going to have their happily ever after. Yellow likes YOU not him, what part of that do you not understand?" Green finished after letting out a breath he was holding in.

"Shit... you're right, I don't even know what I was worrying about, that was stupid of me wasn't it?"

Green let out a small laugh, "Yea it was, just it's alright, you just like her a lot and that's okay. Just don't be insecure? You guys have a stable relationship, don't mess that up. You're a great guy Red."

Red carried a face of shock before lifting his finger to wipe away a fake tear, "Wow Green, aren't you just the sweetest" He teased.

"Shut up" Green said pushing Red over.

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