Chapter 8~ <333

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||Megumi's POV||

Lately I've been thinking of changing my approach, something that appeals to Red more.

"Tanaka-san, Have you handed in your history assignment yet?"

"Yea I have, I handed it to Professor this morning, He said he'd give it to you"

"Really now? I'll have to see him later, thank you"

I waved and smiled, keeping this face isn't easy. Its Lunch and I usually like hanging out with my 'friends' but today I'm going to see Red.


"Hmm? Yes?" He replied

"Its me, Megumi, I was wondering if I could sit with you today"

"Ya, you think you can just come and s-"

"I'm sorry but does it look like I'm asking you, BLUE?"

I saw Red give glances to the others, Blue obviously disagreed. The other guy and the Yellow girl didn't seem to mind
He looked a bit awkward "Uh sure I guess"

I heard him mutter something
"What did you say?"

"Huh? Oh its nothing" He said as he moved over and let me sit.

||Red's POV||

"I'm so dead after school" I muttered quietly

"What did you say?" Tanaka asked

"Huh? Oh its nothing" I said a little bit to scared of Blue glaring at me.
We continued to talk, Tanaka just talked to me, she ignored the others which was a bit disturbing but since I'm the one who let her sit down with us I should at least endure it.

Lunch was finally over and I could finally escape those annoying questions Tanaka were asking me

"Why does she even hang around me so much anyway?" I asked myself

"Geez, YOU ARE SO GODAMN DENSE" Blue said annoyed

"Me? Dense? Nah man I'm quite sharp" I said proudly

"Right....Sharp...." Green replied instead of Blue as he walked away, I had a feeling Blue would've said the same thing.

Yellow just giggled and threw all the rubbish away on our way to the classroom

Man she's so adorable...

-Schools Over-
I wish school was over in 2 seconds in real life ;-;

I opened my locker and I saw a letter fall out, I picked it up and opened it

"Ooo~ It looks like someones got a love letter, Its been ages since Mister Popular has gotten a love letter or been confessed to" Blue said looking from behind

"Good going Red-senpai!" Gold said out of nowhere

"Huh? A love letter? I doubt it" I said as I started reading

"Dear Red-senpai

I've been in love with you ever since I first laid my eyes on you, You've always been my idol and crush, I love you a lot. But I know you don't love me back, you always have your eyes on a certain adorable blonde haired girl. But I do wish for you to at least know my feelings.

Please meet me after school, So I can say these feelings of mine out loud to the one I love. Then I will be able to give up.

Thank you.
- Your Kohai

"Wow, what a letter" Blue and Gold said at the same time

"Ya, don't read my letter!" I said as I pushed them away from me

"Calm down, go and see her, be nice when you reject her okay?" Blue said seriously for once

"Yea... I will" I said as a looked away
I saw Yellow looking down at the ground, it seems she heard the conversation

"Yellow?" I called her name

"Y-yes?" She replied a bit surprised
"You alright?" I asked

"I'm fine, just daydreaming a bit, you should go see her now, you wouldn't want to keep her waiting" Yellow said sweetly as she smiled

"Yea I will, I'm going now! Green wait for me"

"Pfft, now way, I'm going back first"

"Rude." I said as I waved and walked with the letter in my hand

||Megumi's POV||

"Red-senpai!" I heard form afar
I looked around and saw a girl and Red, she seems like she's confessing

"I read your letter..." Red said

"Yea I can tell, I just wanted to say... I've loved you for so long! I know you wont accept me but I just want you to know." She said really flushed

"I'm sorry....And thank you" Red said rubbing the back of his neck

"I know, its alright" She said
The silence was awkward for a while. Until Red broke it

"Oh, yea I was wondering about inside your letter... You said I had my eyes on a certain girl, how did you know?" He said blushing

"Thats kind of obvious... You look at her so dearly, I know what it feels like to have a one-sided love so I understand." She said smiling

"Ah... I see.."

"Well thank you so much for hearing me out, I'm cheering you on, I hope you'll be able to confess to Yellow-senpai soon!" She said waving

"Yea, thanks" He said waving back
She looked like she was about to cry.

The next morning I saw that girl who confessed to Red, her eyes were red and puffy but she was smiling.

Thats the end for now~ <33
I was rereading my story and I CRINGED SO MUCH. LIKE SO MUCH. LIKE EW.
So I went back and edited all the chapters so they fit the writing the style I have now.
My story has changed a lot, not sure if thats a good or bad thing though.

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